    关键词  低噪声放大器  噪声系数  增益  C波段  ADS
    Title     Design and Simulation of Microwave Low-noise Amplifier               
    Low-noise amplifier is an important component of modern radar, wireless communications, test equipment and electronic warfare system. It is mainly to enlarge the weak signal received by the receiver, suppress noise interference and improve system sensitivity at the same time.
    We introduced the design principle and detailed process of a C-band LNA. FET ATF36077 of Avago Company was used in this amplifier system. A three-stage topology was used in order to achieve high gain and low noise figure. It is introduced how to use the equal noise figure circle and equal power-gain circle jointly for designing, so as to meet the gain and noise figure indicators. All of the design is completed by using the EDA design software ADS. The matching circuits connecting input and output were designed with the software. The proposed LNA finally satisfied the designing requirements with the gain of 41dB and the noise figure of 1dB in the C-band.
    Keywords  LNA  Noise figure(NF)  Gain  C-band  ADS
    目  次

    1  绪论    2
    1.1  研究目的和意义    2
    1.2  发展历史和现状    2
    1.3    本文研究内容和工作安排    3
    2  低噪声放大器和微带线介绍    4
    2.1  低噪声放大器的基本概念    4
    2.2    微带线    4
    3    低噪声放大器的工作指标    5
    3.1  S参数    5
    3.2    稳定性    6
    3.3    噪声系数    6
    3.4    增益    6
    3.5    驻波比    8
    3.6    反射系数    8
    3.7    匹配特性    8
    3.8    动态范围    9
    3.9    小结    9
    4  C波段LNA的设计    9
    4.1  器件选择    9
    4.2  引言    10
    4.3    稳定性分析    11
    4.4    直流偏置电路设计    13
    4.5    噪声和增益设计    17
    4.6  总放大电路图    25
    4.7  版图设计    27
    结论    29
    致谢    30
    参考文献    31
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究目的和意义
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