本文设计了一种基于 FPGA 的视频采集系统,在本系统中,选用了Xilinx公司的XC3S400作为核心器件,视频的采集和输出部分采用了应用广泛的SAA71XX 系列芯片,使用verilog硬件描述语言编写I2C总线控制模块对其内部寄存器进行配置。它工作流程是:对摄像头送来的视频数据进行采集,并采用PHILIPS公司的专用视频解码芯片 SAA7113将模拟视频转化成数字视频,数字视频经FPGA输出,采用PHILIPS公司的专用视频编码芯片 SAA7121将数字视频信号转换为模拟信号送视频采集卡在电脑上显示。演示结果表明,系统能够满足功能和处理时间的要求,具有很大的应用价值。
关键词 FPGA verilog 视频采集 I2C总线8675
Title Design Of Real-time Video Capture System Based On FPGA
Video capture technology is widely used in telecommunications,remote sensing,security,medicine ,video surveillance ,industrial production and many other fields. In recent years, the development of microelectronics technology and VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration) industry,especially the development of FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array),provides new ideas and methods to improve the performance of video capture system.
The thesis designed a video capture system based on FPGA. In this system, XC3S400 of XILINX company is selected as the core device, video capture and output section used SAA71XX series which is widely used. The configuration register of these chips are under the control of I2C bus configuration module which is coded by verilog hard design language. When the system is running, it collects the video data transmitted by the camera and transforms the analog video into the digital video with encoder chip SAA7113 of PHILIPS company. Then, the digital video outputs by the FPGA and the digital video signal conversion to analog signals by the decoder chip SAA7121. Finally ,the video is displayed on the pc via video capture card. The demonstration results show that the system can meet the functional requirements and processing time, has great application value
Keywords FPGA I2C bus Video Capture Verilog HDL
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题意义和发展现状 1
1.2 本论文主要内容 2
2 视频采集系统整体架构 3
2.1 FPGA介绍 3
2.2 FPGA设计流程 4
2.3 系统验证平台介绍 6
3 视频采集系统硬件设计 8
3.1 视频信号概述 8
3.2 视频编码芯片SAA7113 10
3.3 视频解码芯片SAA7121 13
4 视频采集系统软件程序设计 15
4.1 硬件描述语言(HDL)概述 15
4.2 I2C总线接口模块 15
4.2.1 I2C总线简述 15
4.2.2 I2C总线时序 15
4.2.3 I2C总线控制器设计 17
4.2.4 I2C总线时序状态机设计 18
4.3 各模块电路介绍 21
4.3.1 分频模块 21
4.3.2 延时模块 21
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