    Abstract: Qian
    Jibo's prose theorists important during the late Qing Dynasty, the theory of parallel prose works"meaning", based on the previous theory of parallel prose,and new development. In the book, Qian Jibo put forward the"original", for the Argumentation Prose Style status, and it is pointed out that "development is the style of parallel prose,authentic". The theory of parallel prose prose advocated atheory of parallel prose, advocated in the writing of parallel prose, to emphasize the important and dispersion andparallel prose, one is the parallel prose style. Money baseBo marking "flavor", thought that the evaluation of its quality or not, is not to see the text mining application of rhetoric,but to see prose "spirit", "Qi" is the appearance of true tactic.At the same time, Qian Jibo put forward, to achieve the"spirit", "potential approach is using gas in" method, changeof the upper and lower communicated Wenqi, wenqi. Qian Jibo pay attention to the transformation of the gas,advocated writing parallel prose should know how to use"method to the" latent gas, is not empty word and can be freely converted Wenqi, also does not cause the upper and lower Wenqi. Only the "latent gas inside" and use properly,can make the "spirit". In addition, money base Bo evaluation of parallel prose, particularly praised the "Shu Yi" road, in the Six Dynasties writers for any domain, Shen Yue's proseachievement evaluation of particularly high. Qian Jibo's"meaning" is the theory of parallel prose summary, for later generations, whether it is for parallel prose, or parallel prose theory researchers, provides a very good reference.

    Keywords: parallel prose "meaning"; Qian Jibo; theory of parallel prose; text; parallel prose in one ;artistic conception ;potential gas inside

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