摘 要:英国是全球第一个城市化国家,依据早期城市化和城市化的概念,它的城市化早期进程和英国第一次工业的时候大致相吻合。18世纪中后期,工业在英国率先爆发,城市化也随之快速进行,英国至19世纪中叶基本完成了工业,与此同时,英国的城镇人口规模也达到了全国总人口的一半以上,早期城市化阶段结束。早期英国城市化的研究,不但对于探索研究城市化和早期城市化的发展规律具有很重要的意义,丰富补充了城市史和社会经济史的内容,而且可以对现当代许多后发国家的城市化进程发展提供了历史借鉴。目前国内外学者对英国早期城市化进程进行了较多研究,文献资料较为丰富,也为笔者的研究提供了了便利。但是对于该课题的探索研究,目前国内仍然未达到国外的水准,程度依然不够,本文章对于该课题具有一定的补充意义。92812
毕业论文关键词:英国 早期城市化 经济 社会
Abstract: As the first urbanized country, the Britain early urbanization process roughly coincided with the first industrial revolution according to the urbanization and early urbanization rules。In the mid of 18th century the industrial revolution began from Britain and the urbanization also tread on the heel of it, By the mid of 19th century the industrial revolution had nearly been completed in Britain, and the population in the city had reached the half of the population of the whole country。 At that time the early urbanization ended。 The study of the early urbanization has great significance in exploring not only the rules of the urbanization and early urbanization but also in the relationship between economic developments and the urbanization, which also can give the developing country a useful lesson。 The foreign scholar has made researches widely in the urbanization。 But our country has not made a deep study in this area。 So the study and scholar construction is necessary to be done。
the Britain early urbanization process has spontaneous, rapid, aggregation, and economic development especially closely related to industrialization; there are unreasonable places such as Unbalanced development, with extensive production, giving priority to the development of quality before quantity。 The government attached importance to market economy without interference control etc。 the Britain early urbanization process provides a historical reference for the developing country。
Key words: Britain; early urbanization process; economy; society
目 录
前言 3
一、早期城市化的定义 3
二、英国早期城市化的人口情况 4
三、早期经济城市化 6
四、英国早期城市化的典型问题及对策 12
(一) 城市污染和卫生问题 12
(二) 英国早期对策 15
结 语 17
参 考 文 献 18
致 谢 19
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