    Study the mystery culture brand based on the cultural perspective
    Abstract:Mystery novel refers to set up the suspense to architecture plot, promote the development of novel, let the reader in the process of reading mental tension, stop, "question, the types of novel and get great pleasure.China mystery novel after blowing a stream of hot air in copying the serious, churning out of embarrassment.Cai Jun studio is named after Cai Jun mystery novel writer, was established in 2006, Shanghai HaoLin culture communication co., LTD., subsidiary, is also the domestic chief suspense culture brand.Cai Jun studio in such aspects as brand strategy and operation mode made valuable exploration and made a great success.Accurate market positioning, distinctive "suspense to save the world" product concept, build a complete industrial chain of mature operation model, draw lessons from foreign writing technique as well as to join Chinese elements, improve the threshold, brand strategy, is the important factor of Cai Jun studio success, and draw lessons from other cultural industry enterprises should learn.But it also exists to further "bigger and stronger and stronger problems, in particular," there's a lot of room for improvement.From the business model of the harry potter Cai Jun studio can realize own brand reengineering.It based on the cultural perspective, extend the industrial chain, edited and published a collection, as well as get government support and awards, such as to carry out the campaign thinking and Suggestions.
    KeyWords:Mystery novel; Cai Jun studio; Culture brand
    绪论    1
    (一)问题缘起及研究背景    1
    (二)研究目的及意义    1
    (三)中外相关研究综述    2
    (四)研究内容    2
    一、悬疑小说及蔡骏工作室    3
    (一)悬疑小说    3
    1、 悬疑小说概述    3
    2、 悬疑小说的生存环境    4
    3、 悬疑小说的目标受众    5
    (二)蔡骏及蔡骏工作室    5
    1、 蔡骏简介    5
    2、 蔡骏工作室    5
    二、蔡骏工作室的运营模式    6
    (一)蔡骏工作室的市场定位    6
    1、 具有补缺性    6
    2、 潜在顾客    7
    3、 市场细分    7
    4、 双向沟通    7
    5、不足之处    7
    (二)蔡骏工作室的产品理念    8
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