
    Inpidualism is mainly focus on the right of pursuing the freedom. For them to say, struggling for liberation is a primary importance thing to do. Natural rights and freedom are the substance of these theories. Classical liberalism, inpidualist anarchism and existentialism are examples of movements and all of them are taking the human inpidual as a central unit. Also, it has been used as a term denoting “The quality of being an inpidual;’’ Inpidualism is closely ties to artistic and both main interests and lifestyles which is a tendency towards self creation, experimentation about the tradition or popular mass opinions and its behaviors with humanist philosophical positions and ethics.
    Inpidualism encompasses a value system, a theory of human nature, and a belief which is an arrangement in certain political and economical, social and religion. According to the inpidualist, the main value is human-center and all inpidualists are morally equal. Inpidualism places the great value on self-reliance where they advocating the privacy mutual respect. Negatively, it embraces opposition to authority and to all manner of controlling over the inpidual, especially when exercised by the state. As a theory of human nature, inpidualism thinks that giving the maximum freedom and responsibility for choosing is the best served for the normal adult. The institutional embodiment of inpidualism follows from these principles.
    2.2 The Misconception of Inpidualism
    2.2.1 Isolation
         The first misconception is that inpidualism means isolation and it’s outside the society. This misconception is reflected on the popular images of human centered. They handle the stress by themselves and they rarely rely on others. May be they always do things in their own way, but that’s not to say they are isolation. Moreover, isolation is not the essence of inpidualism. In fact, the concept of inpidualism is just a conception of inpidual, which is neither a person nor the group. In other words, it’s just a primary constituent of society.
     In our mind, inpidualism means being alone. This conception leads us to define the inpidualism as incompatible with cooperation. Actually, a person who doesn't listen to others’ idea, handles the problems through an inefficient way on his own way. It’s not called inpidualism but it’s called a closed minded. A true inpidualist wants to pursuit the best for himself, so he seeks out the best way to handle the problems, no mater which one has the rich resource, he can get access to the resource. To the inpidualist, the truth is the most important principle on any fields, even the authority. Living in society, the Inpidualism is hardly to give up cooperating with other people, because these are tremendous benefits.
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