摘要:从生活服务类电视节目诞生至今,深受广大受众的喜爱。如今,各式各样的生活服务类节目充斥于荧屏,引导人们更好地享受生活。但是并非每一档生活服务类节目都能很好地为受众服务。因此,本文试图通过研究分析成功的电视节目范例,找出制约生活服务类电视节目继续发展的桎梏所在,提出相应的解决办法。本文拟定了四个部分。第一部分主要介绍的是生活服务类电视节目的定义及其发展历程。第二部分为本文重点,结合《家政女皇》从节目内容、节目风格、节目资讯以及编排格局来分析生活服务类电视节目的特点。第三部分是分析生活服务类电视节目发展过程中所面临的问题。论文第四部分依次对生活服务类电视节目出现的问题提出解决方法。22599 毕业论文关键词:生活服务类电视节目;困境;创新;发展方向
The development trend of life service TV programs from the "home" of the queen
Abstract: From birth of till now, the life-service program is prevailing among the public.Nowadays, various life-service programs are full of the screen ,which make us enjoy the life better.Nonetheless,not every one can serve the public well.Hence, the dissertation bases on the analysis of successful examples of life-service program in order to find out the shackles of sustainable development of the life-service program and propose the relevant solutions.The dissertation is pided into four portions .Part one mainly introduces the life service class definition and development of the life-service program . The core of the dissertation is part two wich analyze characteristics of the life-service program from content, program style and program information and arrangement pattern as an example of the "domestic goddess" .The third part focuses on analyzing the issue of the development process of the life-service program.In the fourth part,the author put forward the measures of the life-service program's issues in sequence.
Keyword:The Lfe-service Pogram ;Predicament;Innovation;Development Direction
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