摘要:科教电视节目,作为科教信息传播的重要载体,在提高公民科教素养水平的过程中扮演着重要角色。在激烈的电视节目竞争环境下,科教节目的发展存在着一些内容同质化、节目质量低下、传播渠道过于单一等困境。本文综合运用了文献研究和案例分析法,对科教节目的传播者、传播对象、传播媒介和传播内容这些制约因素进行了探讨。旨在对现有研究成果借鉴的基础上,对科教电视节目的传播策略进行了再思考,提出了寓教于乐、融合媒介及细分受众等四项建议,希望能为科教节目的发展提供一些借鉴和参考。24057 毕业论文关键字:科教节目;发展瓶颈;制约因素;传播策略
Media competition based on the way of environment science
and education programs
Abstract:Science and education television programs.As the important carrier of science and education information dissemination.In the process of improve the level of citizens' science literacy plays an important role.Under the drastically competition of media environment,television science and education programs still in the dilemma. This thesis,combination methods of literature research,case study,systematic study and closeness to practice,On science and education programs of communicators, object, media and content these constraints are discussed in this paper.Aimed at the existing research achievements for reference, on the basis of rethinking of science and education television communication strategy,which have analysis the bottleneck of television science and education programs and strategies of communication,that expect for some beneficial to media practice.
Key words:television science and education programs;development history;restraining factor;communication strategy
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