摘 要:中国益智类节目起源于上世纪80年代中期,自90年代初的迅起发展至今经历了一个漫长的过程。从单一的知识竞赛节目到现在形式多样、内容丰富的真正意义上的“益智”类节目,其传播过程也折射出媒体发展的轨迹。在中国这样一个特殊国情下,“益智类”节目的发展亦如全媒体的发展一样带有鲜明的中国特色。本文将以《梦立方》这档节目为例,分析有30年历史的中国“益智类”节目的创新与发展过程,研究其成功因素,结合媒体发展探寻创新点,为现阶段益智类节目更好发展提供一定的思路。24789 毕业论文关键词:益智类节目;梦立方;创新
From the "Dream Cube" to See the Innovation and Development Stage Chinese Puzzle Program
Abstract:Chinese puzzle program originated in the mid-1980s, since the early 1990s has undergone rapid development since a long process."Puzzle" type of program from a single quiz shows to present various forms, rich content in the true sense, it also reflects the trajectory propagation media development.In China, a special under conditions, the development of same applies full media development "puzzle" as the program with a distinctive Chinese characteristics.This article will be "Dream Cube" This show is an example to analyze the process of innovation and development of a 30-year history of China "puzzle" of the program, to study the success factors, combined with the Media Development to explore innovations for stage puzzle development program to better provide some ideas.
Key Words:Puzzle Program;Dream Cube;Innovation
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