摘 要:随着我国经济建设的不断发展,人们对电视的需求日益多样化,为了满足观众需求,各级电视台竞争日益激烈。本文以省级卫视非黄金时段节目策划为研究对象,从电视语境中的“时段”概念入手划分黄金时段与非黄金时段,就其现状发现问题,根据其问题阐述省级卫视非黄金时段具有发展空间广阔、节目选择灵活的优势。运用大量的资料和当下最新的节目理念来对未来省级卫视非黄金时段的发展提出建议:摆脱同质化竞争、建立以受众为中心的节目理念、引导观众形成视听习惯。为我国省级卫视非黄金时段节目的开发提供竞争策略。24884 毕业论文关键词: 非黄金时段;省级卫视;同质化;收视习惯
About the provincial satellite TV station's "non-prime time" program planning show
Abstract: With the ontinuous development of economic construction in our country . The demands for TV are increasingly persified. To meet the audiences demand, TV station are faced with increasingly drastic competition.This article is targeted to provincial satellite TV station’s non-prime time planning show.The concept of “time” can be partitioned to the prime-time and non-prime time .According to the current problems, the article will expend that provincial satellite TV’s non-prime time has advantage of the vast space flexible program choices. Use large amounts of data and the latest program’s concept to advise the development of provincial satellite TV :get rid of the homogeneity competition, establish a show concept in the center of audience favor.Guide audience to develop a habit of seeing and hearing.The competitive strategy will be provided for the development of non-prime time provincial satellite TV.
Key words: Non-prime time, provincial statellite TV, omogeneity, a habit of seeig and hearing
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、国内省级卫视“非黄金时段”节目现状 2
(一)国内电视“黄金时段”与“非黄金时段”的划分 2
(二)国内电视“黄金时段”与“非黄金时段”的对比 2
(三)省级卫视“非黄金时段”节目现状 3
二、省级卫视“非黄金时段”的问题及优势 3
(一)省级卫视“非黄金时段”节目现存问题 4
(二)省级卫视“非黄金时段”发展空间广阔 4
(三)省级卫视“非黄金时段”节目具有更多的灵活性 5
三、省级卫视“非黄金时段”节目的竞争策略 6
(一)确定目标受众,建立以受众为中心的节目理念 6
(二)节目内容摆脱同质化竞争,树立品牌战略 7
(三)引导观众形成收视习惯 8
参考文献 10