Analysis of the Impact of Television Advertising on Children
Abstract: The highly development of material civilization makes it possible for the development of television advertising industry.What’s more, the development of television advertising industry makes merchants realize the power ofadvertising.This paper defines the definition of television, and then sorts out the process of its development, as well as analyzing the positive effects of television advertising on children, such as helping children to set up right values, popularizing the knowledge of science, and inheriting Chinese traditional virtuesetc.Furthermore, this paper emphasizes on the negative effects on children during the development of television advertising.For instance, children may fall into bad habits of blind consumption and comparing phenomenon.At last, effective measures are taken to solve these problems, which can be grouped as follows: improve laws and regulations on advertising, strengthen the advertising supervision, social responsibility for the subject of advertising, educational responsibility for families etc.
Key Words: television advertising;kids;effects
Abstract 1
一、电视广告对儿童的积极影响 2
(一)有助于儿童树立正确的“三观” 2
(二)向儿童普及科普知识 3
(三)传承中华民族传统美德 3
二、电视广告对儿童的消极影响 4
(一)可能培养儿童形成不良的消费观念 4
(二)易形成儿童的攀比心理 4
(三)“成人化”情节促使儿童早熟 5
(四)诱使儿童模仿危险行为 5
三、电视广告对儿童产生消极影响的原因分析 6
(一)从广告主体的角度分析 6
(二)从广告客体的角度分析 7
(三)从广告监管的角度分析 7
四、避免电视广告对儿童不利影响的策略探析 8
(一)完善广告法规,加大监管力度 8
(二)加强行业自律 9
(三)广告主体承担起社会责任 9
(四)家庭担负起教育引导责任 10
参考文献 11