Abstract Waiting for Godot is Beckett’s magnum opus, and it is also an absurdist masterpiece of Theater of the Absurd。 86412

The anti-play elements of Waiting for Godot have been analyzed in great detail。 The fragmented plot, figures without distinctive characteristics, simple and repetitive language, and senseless setting descriptions are probed in relation to the theme exposition。 Philosophy of Existentialism derived from the anti-play elements reveal its enlightening significance to the modern life。 

The absurd and insignificant living situation of the characters in Waiting for Godot touches the heart of audience and readers with its immense shocking power。 Thus, the study of Waiting for Godot in terms of its anti-play elements is not only conductive to the development of drama, but also constructive in enlightening and warning people, so as to enlighten and refine modern people。

Keywords:  Waiting for Godot; Theater of the Absurd; anti-play; existentialism 


《等待戈多》中反戏剧特征研究摘  要《等待戈多》是贝克特的代表作,同时也是荒诞派戏剧中的杰作。本文以《等待戈多》为研究对象,具体研究其反戏剧特征。本文将存在zhuyi哲学理论与《等待戈多》的文本解读结合起来深入研究剧本中零散的情节,无个性的戏剧人物,单调重复的语言以及毫无意义的场景描述揭示出其反情节、反人物、反语言、反场景的反戏剧特征对荒诞主题的烘托,并指出《等待戈多》对现代人的启发。


毕业论文关键词: 《等待戈多》;荒诞派戏剧;反戏剧;存在zhuyi哲学


Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese II

I。 Introduction 1

1。1 Introduction to Samuel Beckett 1

1。2 Introduction to Waiting for Godot 1

1。3 Introduction to This Thesis 3

II。 Literature Review 4

2。1 Studies Abroad 4

2。2 Studies at Home 5

III。 Theoretical Perspective 6

3。1 The Philosophy of Existentialism 6

3。2 The theatre of the Absurd 8

IV。 Analysis of the Absurdity in Waiting for Godot 10

4。1 Analysis of Anti-plot Element 10

4。2 Analysis of Anti-hero Element 11

4。3 Analysis of Anti-language Element 13

4。4 Analysis of Anti-time Element 15

4。5 Analysis of Anti-setting Element 16

V。 Conclusion 19

Bibliography 21

Research on the Anti-play Elements of Waiting for Godot

Research on the Anti-play Elements of Waiting for Godot

I。 Introduction

1。1 Introduction to Samuel Beckett

Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) is an avant-grade novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet, who spent most of his adult life in France。 His writings involve plays, novels and poems, but he is best known as a dramatist。 Besides, he is one of the key writers of Theatre of the Absurd。 His works “make the modern people inspire from spiritual poverty”, “they own the clean-up effect of Greek tragedy”(Han, 2003: 1541)。 In 1969, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for his writing, which — in new form for the novel and drama — in the destitution of modern man acquiring his elevation。文献综述

















