Hemingway’s Iceberg Principle in For Whom the Bell Tolls

Abstract    Hemingway is considered as one of the greatest novelists in the 20th century。 His unique writing style, especially his iceberg principle, makes him towering in American literature。 This paper focuses on the study of Hemingway's iceberg principle in For Whom the Bell Tolls。 To study the iceberg principle and its artistic effects, For Whom the Bell Tolls is analyzed from four aspects: narrative structure, language switching, symbolism and feature。 This paper shows that succinct language style, purposeful omission of narrative content and implicit symbol are the salient features of iceberg principle。 This paper is of great significance in analysis of For Whom the Bell Tolls and features of the iceberg principle。 86954

Keywords: Hemingway; iceberg principle; For Whom the Bell Tolls; artistic effects


摘  要 海明威被认为是20世纪最伟大的小说家之一。他独特的写作风格,尤其是他的“冰山原则”使得他在美国文学上独树一帜。本文聚焦于海明威作品《丧钟为谁而鸣》中“冰山原则”的分析。为了研究“冰山原则”及其艺术效果,本文从四个角度对《丧钟为谁而鸣》进行了深入分析:叙述结构、语言转换、象征手法和特点。本文得出的结论是简洁的语言风格、有意省略叙述内容、隐含的象征意义是“冰山原则”的显著特点。本文对于分析《丧钟为谁而鸣》和“冰山原则”具有重要意义。



Abstract in English I

Abstract in Chinese II

I。 Introduction 1

    1。1。 Hemingway’s Life Experience 1

    1。2。 Definition of Iceberg Principle 2

II。 Basic elements of For Whom the Bell Tolls 4

    2。1。 Plots 4

    2。2。 Characters 5

III。 The Iceberg Principle in For Whom the Bell Tolls 7

    3。1。 Narrative structure 7

    3。2。 Language switching 9

    3。3。 Symbolism 11

    3。4。 Features 14

IV。 Conclusion 16

Bibliography 17

Hemingway's Iceberg Principle inFor Whom the Bell Tolls

I。 Introduction

1。1。 Hemingway’s Life Experience

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American novelist and winner of Nobel Prize in Literature。

    Influenced by his father, Hemingway had developed the hobby of hunting and fishing in the wild in his childhood。 These experiences, more or less, left a vintage in his later works。

Except the renowned identity of writer, Hemingway was once a journalist, which is less known。 After graduating from high school, he became a trainee reporter and was assigned for the style guide。 He cultivated the habit of employing short sentences and bright words, which laid the foundation for his later writing style: 

In 1918, Hemingway was recruited to the Red Cross in Kansas City and appointed to be an ambulance driver in Italy under bombardment from German。 Very soon, he was designated to the Italian Front。 Due to his brave performance, he was awarded the Italian Silver Medal of Bravery。 In 1926, his long novel The Sun Also Rises came out and achieved popularity and he was called The Lost Generation。

















