
    Eco-feminists argue against the masculinism, and advocate changing the idea that human beings rule nature. They criticize the male cultural values, namely praise the values of quality and oppose those which can lead to exploitative, dominative, and offensive values. Eco-feminism criticizes the male-centered cognitive concept, and its goal is to establish a Utopia where follows the ecological focus and feminist principles.
    2.2 Eco-feminist Literary Criticism on Eco-feminism
    Eco-feminist literary criticism is not a integrated theory. It is a new trend of artistic and cultural field, and it differs from the feminist and ecological literary criticism. As a new literary criticism, Eco-feminism comes into being in the special circumstance of the deteriorating environment and the deepening crisis. Though Eco-feminist literary criticism does not develop a complete theoretical system, it is very important to appraises the literary works from the standards of Eco-feminism. It provides a new particular angle to interpret many literary works, so “Eco-feminists talk about experiences of oppression of nature and women in some breath. They regard the liberation of women, the solution of eco-crises and the struggle against the oppression as their own goals”(Merchant, Carolyn 23).
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