Abstract Faulkner’s works are thought to reflect the social history well as the modern consciousness。 A rose for Emily tells the story of the south after the civil war tragic love。 Emily’s character is twisted、weird and fall from grace。 Emily is a typical representative of the old aristocratic force in the south of the United States。 She is the victim of the traditional moral values in the south, and the victim of the powerful patriarchal system, the spirit of physical torture, and eventually go to ruin。 Emily is the symbol of the noble, respect and admiration by the town people。 This thesis mainly analyzes the roots causes and a women’s tragedy from the social system in the south, family factors、changed in the social times, and traditional culture of the south, the attitude of the people in the town to Emily、the failure of love、the defects of human。75099

Keywords: Love; tragedy; Emily; the south of America

摘 要福克纳作品被认为既深刻反映社会历史,又充分体现了现代意识。《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》讲诉了美国南北战争后南方没落贵族小姐的爱情悲剧。




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Roots from Social Environmental 2

3。1Changes of the times 3

3。2 Southern culture 3

3。3 Lack of social support 4

3。4 Confrontation between the north and the south 5

3。5 The people of the town to Emily's attitude 5

4。 Roots from Love and Family 7

4。1Fathers’ tyranny of love 7

4。2 The failure of love 8

4。3 A rose with thorns 10

5。 Conclusion 10

Work Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

William Faulkner is a representative literature writer in the southern United States in the 20th century, His work reflects the social change after the civil war, also shows a lonely southern aristocratic descent in the face of not controlling the helplessness and pain of the destruction of the southern culture。 Faulkner, a short man, who is also a descendant of the decline of the northern Mississippi State in the north of the United States, is considered as a monster of abrasive by people around。 Youth love and writing is not smooth and all of these personal experiences led to his pessimistic tendency。论文网

A Rose for Emily tells of typical lonely aristocrats in the period of social transition。 With concise for the short stroke, clever layout, personalized shaping characters and profound thought connotation and perse approaches about town in the south——An old maid declining aristocracy in the town of the Jefferson Greer's family-miss Emily isolated lonely life。 Under the background of social decay in the south, Emily's family also failed to escape。 The most direct change is that Emily from a high above the aristocracy eventually descended into a sad woman。 Deprived little by little the original advantage, and finally can only hide in the cabin to spend the rest of their lives。 And finally because of love and hate, love and poison and sleep in bed with lover’s bodies decades of Gothic atmosphere in the tragedy story。 But behind the tragedy,not only has plantation owner family of wandering children of depressed figure,also has the black slave struggling with the bleak picture;Not only the old south of the crime and corruption, but also the north and south of the cultural confrontation of the helpless 。After the American Civil War, South are still not out from the trauma of the Civil War (i。e。 planting park economy, storage of slavery increasingly collapse) The city civilization and industrialization represent the North has emerged。

















