4。2。1  Translations of intensifiers in context 11

4。2。2  Stylistic features of intensifiers 12

Conclusion 13

Acknowledgments 14

Reference 15

1 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

In the globalizing era, translation as the medium of cross-culture communication is of increasingly importance。 Before the multimedia computer appeared, translators could merely ask for help from dictionaries, which cost numerous hours and countless effort。 With the extensive usage of machine translation (MT) since last century, people now can find more easier ways to launch cross-language communication。 From+优|尔-论_文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ752018.766

MT, also known as automatic translation, means the application of computers to the task of translating texts from one source language to target language。 Since last 90s, The rapidly developed information technology has driven the popularity and accuracy of MT up to a higher level; within a certain range, MT in current time is even able to take place of human translation(HT)。 There is no doubt that the role of MT in the information society today is of increasingly greater significance。 But compared with HT, there still exists problems, especially in the aspect of conveying pragmatic meaning in MT (He & Chen, 2007)。

According to Partington(1993), as an important means to realize interpersonal communication, intensifier is an effective method to express the speaker’s attitude。 In the process of strengthening semanteme, intensifiers enable speakers to convey ideational, attitudinal and interpersonal meaning, just as Labov mentioned that "the center of social and emotional expression lies in the intensity in language" (2002, p。 43)。 论文网

On the basis of this, the author selected 600 intensifiers in comments from Solo Launcher given by English native users, and collected the corresponding Google translation and human translation from four professional staffs in Solo team as the object of this study。 The comments of Solo Launcher containing rich intensifiers, rated differently by users, can be regarded as good data for further study。 Hence, from the perspective of translating English intensifiers into Chinese, this study aims to analyze the similarities and differences of machine translation and human translation of intensifiers in comments of Solo Launcher, assess their weaknesses and strengths respectively and discuss how to improve the quality of MT。

1。2 Overall Structure of the Paper

The paper consists of four parts。 Part One provides an introduction to this paper, consisting of research background and overall structure。 Part Two gives a literature review of intensifiers and comparison studies of MT and HT。 Part Three presents the design of this paper。 Part Four shows results and discussion of the study。 In the last part, conclusions are drawn and some suggestions are given。

2 Literature Review

2。1 Previous Studies on Intensifiers文献综述

Scholars in different fields take different interpretations to intensifier, but the views of linguists converge in general, that is, intensifier is the main means of strengthening semanteme, and "it is able to strengthen or weaken some component in a sentence" (Quirk, 1972, p。 438) and capable of expressing the extended meaning and the degree of enhancement (Athanasiadou, 2007, p。 554)。 In terms of its classification, Quirk(1972) raised an intensifier system based on SEU (Survey of English Usage) corpus and has been broadly applied nowadays。 In the system

















