Generally speaking, the previous studies, domestically and abroad, though studies have focused on the gender identification in the light of feminist theory and gender theory, few of them pay attention to the narrative time applied in the novel and none of researches employed the system of Genette’s narrative time to studies the relation between the protagonists’ gender identification and the narrative time。 Besides, the previous studies only used the modern physical concept of "time" to demonstrate how the time-space narrative relates to the themes of the novel, without taking Genette’s narrative time into account。文献综述
1。 4 Theoretical frame
The theoretical frame of this study is based on the structuralist theory of narrative time developed by Gérard Genette。 The story time and the pseudo-time of narrative are two basic dimensions for the study of narrative time。 Based on the two dimensions, the methods of order , duration and frequency are developed to analyze the narrative time by compare it to the story time from different angles ( Genette, 1980 )。 Since the subjective opinions contained in the novel ( Barthe, 2008) are delivered by the narrative structure, the ideas of the author from the views of feminism, gender identification, religion and history will be discussed based on the study of narrative time。