
毕业论文关键词  功能对等  王维古诗  隐喻  汉英翻译

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Translating Metaphor in Chinese Classical Poetry by the Functional Equivalence Theory:Specific Research on Wang Wei’s Poetry   


Abstract This research endeavors to explore English translation of metaphor in Chinese classical poetry from the perspective of Eugene A。 Nida's functional equivalence theory。 Wang Wei's poetry is chosen as the subject of the study。 This research can help to summarize the techniques of metaphor translation in classical poetry and to explore the feasibility of the functional equivalence theory in the metaphor translation of classical poetry。 This research attempts to discuss the influence of cultural difference on translating metaphors with culture-bound information, and the principles and methods in metaphor translation。 Moreover, the research tends to probe whether the English translations of Wang Wei’s poems abide by the functional equivalence theory, and whether they realize the natural equivalence between English and Chinese。 The research shows that the functional equivalence theory may play a guiding role in the metaphor translation in Chinese classical poetry in dynamic equivalence of semantic, context and emotion。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

Keywords  functional equivalence  Wang Wei’s poetry  metaphor 

          Chinese-English translation 

Table of Contents

1  Introduction 。1

1。1  Research Background。。。1

1。2  Significance of the Study。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。1

2  Literature Review2

2。1  Previous Studies of Metaphor Translation in Chinese Classical Poetry。。。2

2。2  Eugene A。 Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory。。。 2

3  Research Methodology。。。4

3。1  Research Questions。。。。。4

3。2  Research Design。。。。。4

4  Metaphor Translations in Wang Wei’s Poems from Functional Equivalence Theory5

4。1  Lexical Equivalence。。。5

4。2  Syntactic Equivalence。8

4。3  Textual Equivalence9

Conclusion。。。。。。11From+优!尔.YouErw.com 加QQ75201`8766 Acknowledgments。。。。。。12


1 Introduction 

1。1 Research Background

With the increasing popularization of Chinese language, traditional Chinese culture has obtained much attention from both China and Western countries。 “One of the characteristics of Chinese culture is poetic, and this kind of poetization is embodied in the wide use of metaphor to some degree (Wang, 2013, p。 43)。” Hu Yingling, a critic in the Ming dynasty, said that the beauty of classical poetry lies in the image (Zhao, 2013, p。 44)。 Wang Wei was good at expressing feelings by using images in his poems。 During the recent decades, the number of English translations of Wang Wei’s poetry is more than any other Chinese poets (Zhu, 2005)。 But how can translators convey the beauty of the image through the translation? Ingenious translation of metaphors is particularly important。 Most of the studies on metaphor which are widely known to people are from the perspective of cognitive science (Shu, 2000)。 This research aims to use Wang Wei's poems as an example to explore the metaphor translation in Chinese classical poetry from a new perspective--functional equivalence theory。 论文网

















