He died on 1928 at his house of Max Gate in Dorchester。 He wished to be buried beside Emma in Stinsford, but his wishes were only partly regarded。 His body was interred in Poet’s Corner, Westminster Abbey, and only his heart was buried in Emma’s grave at Stinsford。

His career is thus pided sharply between his Victorian novels and his post-Victorian poetry。 In 1914, two years after the death of his first wife, he remarried to a woman much younger than himself with whom he spent a happy old age。 The public had long since stopped calling his last novel Jude the Obscure ”filthy” and his final years were full of honors。 He succeeded Tennyson and Meredith as president of the Society of Authors。

According to Hardy’s own classification, his novels pide into three groups。 The first is novels of characters and environment, such as Tess of the D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure。 And the second is of romances and fantasies, such as A Pair of Blue Eyes and The Trumpet-Major。 The third is novels of ingenuity, such as The Desperate Remedies and The Hand of Ethelberta。

Hardy was born in 1840, which is an unsettled period in England。 At that time, England took the lead in accomplishing the first industrial revolution。 And the emerging industrialization and urban civilization caused the tremendous impact to old regions。 In a word, then England was undergoing huge change。 At the moment, England had also completed the bourgeois revolution。 Tess, as a laborer, had neither of power and money, absolutely, being oppressed in the capitalist society。 It is visible that her miserable fate is connected closely with her poverty。 Unfair legal system and hypocritical religion are the key factors which resulted in her destruction。 And she is the victim of hypocritical morality of the bourgeoisie。 

 Since Hardy had learned the Bible when he was very young, Bible had a really profound influence on him。 Therefore we can easily find the hints of the Bible in his great novel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles。 He was born in a Christian family。 In his childhood, he always went to the church and was determined to be a clergyman when he grew up。 At the age of twelve, he began to learn Latin。 And when he was sixteen, he was learning Latin and Greek。 His abundant foreign knowledge offered great convenience for his literal work later。 And at the age of seventeen, Hardy was so lucky that he became the student of Hollis Moore。文献综述

And later Moore introduced him a book-Essay and Criticizes, which challenged the traditional thoughts。 After Hardy read the book, he changed his opinion toward God。 In the years that Hardy lived, old thought was criticized because of the rapid development of the society。 Hardy’s thought experienced a complicated process: First he believed in God, then he abandoned him; first he was affected by Darwin’s evolutionism, later he found the tendency of the society toward development。 In the middle of 19th century, Hardy started to raise doubts about Christianity。 He attacked on the hypocritical morals and rigid doctrine of Christianity。 A large amount of his novels express his doubts about Christianity and praise for positive and liberal humanitarian spirit。 Hardy hated the hypocritical church which suffocated personality, free thoughts and suppressed human nature, and deprecated it inexorably in many of his works。 Nevertheless, he didn’t deny the Christianity totally。     

The notion of prototype appeared in the late of the 19th century which refer to recurrent literary phenomenon。 Literature is an organic integrity which should be studied as a whole。   One of the founders of prototype theory is Jung Carl Gustav, who is a psychologist in Swit, had said, prototype had existed since ancient times and can have deep influence in the creation of the author。 And Northrop Fry, a contemporary critic in Europe and America, had said that prototype can be either a character, an image or a kind of idea。 He made the property of prototype from mentality to literary。

















