And Ismael, the narrator of this novel, although few scholars specifically do research on him, he is indispensable when researchers analyze characters of Moby Dick。 Lots of researchers pay close attention to the Biblical revelation of Moby Dick。 The author interprets the Biblical meaning of Moby Dick in Biblical Archetypes in Moby Dick。 In this thesis, she introduces Ismael as an archetypal character type in chapter 3 and analyses Ismael as an archetypal narrative patterns in chapter 4。 In her eyes, Ismael goes through transformation from an outcast who is abandoned by God to a Christian who admires God。 During this period, Ismael is an escapist。 He refuses to go back to land and keep away from nature。 Besides, Lei thinks “Ismael’s baptism is symbolized as his spiritual purification and his return to God” (2001)。 Some people do the research on Moby Dick from perspective of ecological view。 He Zhen views Moby Dick from aspect of Ecology, she analyses Ismael in last chapter and explain the message of Ismael’s lucky survival in her thesis named From Imbalance to Balance: The Ecological Revelation of Moby Dick。 She thinks Ismael as a humanist succeeds in communicating with the nonhuman world, he is the only person who understands nature, and hence he is the only lucky bird。 She denotes the different fates of characters are closely related with the relation between man and nature (2011)。 Also, when interpreting revenge in Moby Dick, Ismael often appears in the conclusion part。 Gong says “both Ismael and Ahab are great thinkers。 When it comes to the problem of terminal truth, Ismael can eventually calm down from anxiety and act as an ordinary man with ordinary mind…But it is not the case with Ahab。 Twists and turns can never hold back his resolution” (2008) He holds the view that their opposite fates are determined by their personalities。 However, the author does not just condemn Ahab; he thinks “the progress of society needs those Ahab-like persons; and we should learn from Ismael, “clean rooms for some pine and holy faith for it can give the meaning and value to this chaotic world” (2008)。 

And there are some works just focus on Ismael home and abroad。 In China, The essay named Ismael Journal of Exile-A Biblical Archetypal Study of Ismael in Moby Dick is a typical example。 It aims at interpreting biblical archetype of Ismael。 While in the essay, in fact, the author focuses on the progress of spiritual growth of Ismael。 She thinks Ismael could be the only survival because he has finished the exploration of truth (2015)。 Similarly, in Guo’s essay, he discusses Ismael’s exploration of life and survival。 The author thinks the voyage has purified Ismael’s soul。 “For Ismael, his goal of the voyage is to seek the meaning of life, and his experiences tell him the meaning of life is to own itself” (2010)。 Zhong Liping writes a paper called Ismael’s passage to the otherness。 She demonstrates the central position of Ismael in Moby Dick from the following aspects: Ismael is an outcast, Ismael is a brave per and Ismael is a Rebel。 She also analyzes the denotation of prototype of Ismael (2002)。 At abroad, Williamson uses classic Freudian psychology and some Lacanian theory to pide he book into separate narratives representing Ishmael's ego, super-ego, and id。 “This thesis argues that Ishmael develops from a naive, green sailor into an experienced whaleman with a healthier coherent  personality” (2002)。The writer of Ishmael's Recovery: Injury, Illness, and Convalescence in, Moby-Dick is Ryan, he Combines the predecessors' studies and draw a conclusion that voyage for Ismael is a therapy。 And he thinks the friendship between Queequeg and Ismael play a fundamental role in Ismael’s recovery: “The implication is that Queequeg's native vigor permits him to convalesce” (2006)。 Most importantly, Ryan connects the disease and religion through depicting Ismael’s illness from setting out to sea to returning to his native land (Ibid)。 文献综述

















