Many restaurants are unaware of the importance of translated menus。 Many translated menus are not accurate or are even incorrect。 It is reported that a Chinese dish named麻婆豆腐 (Ma Po Tofu) was translated as "Tofu made by woman with freckles" into English; 童子鸡(Spring Chicken)translated as “Chicken without sex”。 This translation is for sure to shock foreign visitors。 Sought to solve some standing problems in menu translation , Chinese Menu in English Version, a book issued by government, were published during the 2008 Olympic。 They hold that the menu translation is very easy since the most dish names are short and simple。 However, there are more behind the literal meaning behind。 

  During the Hangzhou G20 summit, the menu of B20 welcome banquets has attracted the eyes of the world: 八方宾客(富贵八小碟),大展宏图(鲜莲子炖老鸭),紧密合作(杏仁大明虾)and all the 14 dishes has made the world watery。 But it’s a pity that the Chinese dish names with profound culture meaning were not delivered to the world。 They were literally translated as Appetizers combination, Double-boiled duck with lotus seed, Deep-fried prawn with almond, and so on。 With the development of China, we are going to held more international conferences and meetings, so as the state banquet。 Good translation version can make the foreign friends know better about the Chinese dishes and make them enjoy a high reputation。 Good translation of the state banquet menu can be a good reference for the dish names translation。 

  To translate banquet menus, we’d better begin with studying the functions of menus and purpose of translation。 Firstly, the translation theories should be studied。 In the process of English to Chinese translation of literature work, the Chinese translator usually adopt the translation theory of YanFu’s “信,达,雅”, also known as“Faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance”。 However, in pragmatic translation, it can not be used。(examples as the public signs and dish names) However, German functionalism is introduced to China around 1990s, opens up a new horizon toward translation studies。 Skopos Theory, as the most representative theory of functionalism, hold the view that translation is “to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances”(Nord,2001:12),which is to meet the requirement of pragmatic translation。 There are four main rules which are skopos rule, coherence rule, fidelity rule and “function plus loyalty”。 According to the 3 rules, we can analysis the aims and intentions when translating the menu according to the situation。 

1。2。 Research Questions

Research questions: Aims and intentions when translating the Chinese State Banquets dish names according to Skopos Theory, 

文献综述xfyStrategies for Chinese dish names Translation, take the translation of dish names in state banquets as example。

2。 Features and Functions of Chinese Dish Names in State Banquets

2。1。 Classifications of Chinese Dish Names in State Banquets

According to the naming feature, the names are basically pided into the following 10 categories:

1。Names with ingredients

  Dish names with ingredients is the fundamental type of the Chinese dish names in state banquets。 For example: “荠菜塘鲤鱼”, “墨鱼籽花虾”, “春笋相豆苗”, “鲜丝瓜青豆瓣”, “杏仁大明虾”。

2。Names with cooking methods or cutting skills 论文网

  Cooking methods and cutting skills are very important in the process of cooking。 “煎”, “炒”, “烹”, “炒”,”汆”, “烫”, “炖”, etc。 Various of cooking methods exist in the art of cooking。 And basically, the cooking methods appears as a verb in the dish names。 For examples: “孜然烤羊排”, “松茸炖花胶”, ”膏蟹酿香橙”, “雀巢爆羊柳”, “生炒牛松饭”, “鲜莲子炖老鸭”。

















