His poems, not only can sharply see through the stains and filth in the society within thousands of people, but also will activate our devotion and appreciation of love and beauty, the sensitivity of feeling life and all the other soft and light things that prevent us from being enslaved by the materials, as a crystalline eye, casting pearlescent light to the majority of people nowadays all over the world who are still trapped in the dense mist with his wisdom within the lines。 And when Wordsworth’s heart has leapt up, of course it contained enormous excitement and merriment for his intimacy with the nature, but since the child, the man, the natural piety, the death and the poet’s wish have been mentioned, transcending what have been discovered, with the help of the ode composed later than it, the gnosis about the immortality could be mined。 Since the rejuvenation of setting foot on the analysis of Wordsworth has not “faded away” for the special reference in the process of the modernization and in the era people are largely alienated and constrained mentally, expositions will spring out continuously on Wordsworth’s lines。 

The Hebrew interpretation is predominating and reasonable, but from the Greek perspective it is also plausible, the children’s natural piety responding more to the Greek mythology and the Greek mythology built on the childish imagination。

2。 Literature Review from Different Aspects

2。1 Criticism Focusing on Nature文献综述

   Thanks to Wordsworth’s multiple references to the natural beauty (the rainbow has been mentioned three times in his oeuvre) and children, in the sea of multiple materials and numerous relative studies have been conducted。 Here, his deep love and reverence for nature and the religious sense in it will be focused on。 For the former one, it has been tremendously proved from multiple angles, mainly concentrated on the mental influences from nature beginning from his boyhood: great joy and relief, endless passions, the recall of colorful memory, the talents on poetry and so on: In Wordsworth’s Eye, Marian Mead pointed out that gorgeous sceneries of nature through his eye would enter into his memory from which he can scoop countless gaiety and materials for poetry (1919: 202-224); The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth has sketched a poet spending his boyhood in the arms of iridescent nature (Gill, 2003)…For the latter, what should be attached more importance to is that the sense of pinity has diffusely generated a nonstop and much-discussed the “co-existence” of Christianity and pantheism or other elements of deity have stirred his thoughts and then have been reflected on his poetry--Coleridge declared that Wordsworth would need no redemption while Wordsworth himself denied being a follower of Spenser but elements of both of them can be interpreted--Yuan Xianjun(2009), for example, in On the Religious Sense of Wordsworth has analyzed that the nature could endow Wordsworth with “blessed mood” and pointed out some origins of his description of nature from the Holy Bible such as the rose garden’s archetype of the Garden of Eden; Whereas Yi Xiaoming (2003), quite representatively, has laid his finger on his strategies of transforming his ideas of pantheism into concrete images, emphasizing the mediation of nature and children。 Moreover, some expert bookmen further proposed rows of ideas of contradictory elements: his pursuit of deity contradicts the suffering of life; his idea to redeem the natural humanity is inharmonious with the social reality; his attitude toward the death is paradoxical。 And some critics would conclude that the nature demonstrated in Wordsworth’s poem is a combination of deity, humanity and rationality

















