The Study Of The Strategy And Effect Of Eileen Chang's Self-translated Work "The Golden Cangue" -- From A Skopos Perspective

Abstract This paper is a basic translation criticism towards the self-translated novella The Golden Cangue by Eileen Chang, by picking out the addresses and idioms, and lighted with Skopostheorie, we can sense a clear intension, or translation brief as in Skopostheorie, and to with the discussion along to argue that even though this is a self-translation work for Eileen Chang, she did it faithfully and skillfully。88668

Keywords: self-translation, Eileen Chang, Skopotheorie, address, idiom


摘  要本文是对于张爱玲的自译的中篇小说《金锁记》的基础性的翻译评价。本文选取了称谓和习语的翻译为样本,结合目的论的视角来寻找张爱玲在翻译中的目的。并通过分析说明,虽然是自译作品,但是张爱玲也并没有实行“改写”,而是有技巧地,忠诚地翻译了自己的作品。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网 原文+QQ75201`8766



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research background 1

1。2 Research purposes 1

2。 Literature Review 3

2。1 Studies on the translation of Jinsuo Ji 3

2。2 On Eileen Chang 5

2。3 On self-translation 6

2。3。1 Overseas studies 6

2。3。2 Domestic studies 7

2。4 Theory 8

2。4。1 Functionalism 8

2。4。2 Skopostheorie 8

3。 Comparison of Jinsuo Ji with The Golden Cangue 12

3。1 Adresses 12

4。2 Idioms/sayings 14

4。2。1 Literal translation From优T尔K论M文L网 加QQ75201^8766 of idioms/sayings 14

4。2。2 Liberal translation of idioms/sayings 15

4。 Conclusion 17

References 18

1。 Introduction 

1。1 Research background

This paper studies the legendary modern Chinese writer Eileen Chang’s (1920–1995) Jinsuo Ji (1943) and her self-translation The Golden Cangue (1971)。 Throughout the history of literature, few writers would choose to translate their own work into a second language, while the popular case is to rewrite the story in a second language, Eileen Chang did both, she finished The Rogue of North in America and Yuannu later back in Hong Kong, the first one was in English and Yuannu in Chinese。 To be compared with Jinsuo Ji, these two books share the vary setting of plot and narrative perspective, but differ in character names and the period of life of the heroine。 The case is very special in the history of literature, which aroused my interest to pick this as my paper’s topic, and to focus on translation criticism, I would like to just evaluate the translation work in The Golden Cangue。

Eileen Chang started schooling at the age of four, unlike other children at that time, she was receiving bilanguage education, which means she had professed a high ability of English。 Eileen Chang worked as a translator for the United States Information Service for three years since 1952 in Hong Kong。 Meanwhile, she wrote The Rice Sprout Song in entirely English, which showed her master in English literature。 During her translator work, she also practiced her translation ability with novels like The Old Man and the Sea and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow。 

















