Ron’s inferiority leads to envy and impulsiveness, which shows that Ron is still an immature boy。 

2。2。2 Braveness and Responsibility

There are two reasons for Ron deciding to fight against Voldemort4。 One is the loyalty to Harry。 Having known they will come across danger, even losing his lives, Ron is still willingly to give supports and help Harry to complete impossible missions。 The other one is the responsibility to his family, school and the magic world。 As a pure-blood wizard, Ron can live stably。 However, after knowing how to defeat Voldemort, he decided to undertake responsibilities for protecting magic world without any hesitation。 

Although sometimes Ron is impulsive and irritable, we should not deny that he grows much more mature during their adventures。 When they are in danger, the first thought of Ron is fighting for protecting friends rather than sacrifice for others。 Ron develops psychologically rapidly on their ways for seeking Horcruxes and becomes totally mature after he defeats his devil inside and destroys the third Horcrux。 In the Second War against Voldemort, he has been a reliable warrior with wit, humor, courage and calmness。 

2。2。3 Reasons for These Personalities

Two researchers, Broemer P。 and Diehl M。, found that when people compete with an excellent rival, the more similarities they have, the more jealous they would be。 (2004) Ron and Harry are in the same age, the same living environment, with the same hobbies。 During the puberty, Ron’s sense of identity is growing quickly, which is the most important reason why envy and inferiority aroused from the bottom of his heart。 There are descriptions in the seventh book which reflect his inner feelings in the book which is the reason for explaining Ron’s immature personalities:

“Then a voice hissed from out of the Horcrux: ‘I have seen your heart, and it is mine。’ ‘Least loved, always, by the mother who craved a daughter…Least loved, now, by the girl who prefers your friend… Second best, always, eternally overshadowed…’ ” (Rowling, 2007: 375) Ron is the youngest boy in his family with a little sister, so he has to use things left by his five brothers。 In his mind, he gets neither enough attention like his brothers, nor love like little sister。 

“ ‘Your mother confessed,’ sneered Riddle-Harry, while Riddle-Hermione jeered, ‘that she would have preferred me as a son, would be glad to exchange…’ ” (Rowling, 2007: 377) Because of Harry’s poor life experience, Ron’s mother regarded Harry as her son。 It leads to Ron’s misunderstanding that his mother loves Harry more。 These two reasons cause Ron’s jealousness of Harry。

“Who could look at you, who would ever look at you, beside Harry Potter? What have you ever done, compared with the Chosen One? What are you, compared with the Boy Who Lived?” (Rowling, 2007: 376) Harry is the hero of the magic world, so he gets many supports and respects from different people。 In Ron’s mind, all people’s focuses are on Harry, rather than him, the person who serves as a foil to Harry。 It is the root cause that makes Ron be inferior。 文献综述

“‘Who wouldn’t prefer him, what woman would take you, you are nothing, nothing, nothing to him,’ crooned Riddle-Hermione。” (Rowling, 2007: 377) Ron loves Hermione, but because of inferiority, he is always worried that Harry would fall in love with Hermione。 These worries trouble him day and night, leading to his impulsiveness and quarrels between two best friends。

It is adventure that makes Ron more and more mature。 Peter Muris once showed that “personal courage was negatively associated with levels of anxiety symptoms, especially in situations involving separation from caregivers and social encounters with other people。” (Muris, 2009: 489) During the experience fighting against Voldemort, knowing the dark and hardness of life, Ron becomes psychologically mature, braver and calmer than before。 He takes adventures with Harry every year。 After saving themselves from danger many times, they three became physically mature, stronger and more powerful。 That’s why Ron sacrificed himself when he was young and fought for friends when he was in puberty。 

















