    摘 要在跨文化英语学习中,中英两种文化背景不同,由此而产生的跨文化障碍给中学生英语学习带来一系列干扰和影响。本选题通过多角度分析英语学习中的文化障碍,把对文化障碍的研究深刻地嵌入到具体的文化语境和社会生活影响下的各个方面,详尽阐述了导致文化障碍的原因,列举了文化障碍的主要表现及其对中学生英语学习的影响并提出简便易行的有效对策。本文的创新点在于全面结合英语学习中的“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”等具体方面论述了英语学习中的文化障碍。此外,本论文还参考了大量的理论知识,使研究问题的提出及研究对策的总结更加真实、有效。24869
    Abstract English and Chinese have different cultural backgrounds, which lead to cross-cultural barriers and bring a series of interference to middle school students during the process of English learning. This study of cultural barriers from multi-angular analysis is deeply embedded to specific culture contexts and all aspects of social life. The thesis elaborates causes for cultural barriers and lists the main performances of cultural barriers as well as its effects on middle school students in their English learning. Meanwhile, the thesis tries to put forward the simple and effective countermeasures. This paper has a comprehensive union about English listening, speaking, reading, writing etc, and such specific aspects. In addition, this paper also refers to a lot of theoretical knowledge to make countermeasures more effective.
    Key words: cultural barriers; language learning; strategies; effects
    Cultural Barriers for Middle School Students in English Learning
    摘 要.i
    I. Introduction1
    II. Cultural Barriers and the Causes of Cultural Barriers2
    2.1 Culture and Cultural Barriers.2
    2.1.1 Culture.2
    2.1.2 Cultural Barriers .2
    2.2 The Causes of Cultural Barriers3
     2.2.1 Different Understandings of Vocabulary .3
    2.2.2 Historical and Cultural Origins.4
    2.2.3 Customs and Traditions.5
    III. Effects of Cultural Barriers in Learning English for Middle School Students.6
    3.1 Effects of Cultural Barriers on Listening.6
    3.2 Effects of Cultural Barriers on Speaking7
      3.2.1 Social Approval of the Topic.7
      3.2.2 Appropriateness of Social Etiquette8
    3.3 Effects of Cultural Barriers on Reading.9
    3.4 Effects of Cultural Barriers on Writing9
    IV. The Strategies of Solving Cultural Barriers11
    4.1 Learning and Understanding the Customs of the English-speaking Countries11
    4.2 Learning and Understanding the History and Present Conditions of the English-speaking Countries.12
    4.3 Improving Cultural Awareness and Cross-cultural Awareness13
    4.4 Learning and Understanding the Unique Qualities of Language13
    V. Conclusion.14

    I .Introduction
    Many people in China who have learned English for many years master a certain vocabulary and understand the rules of grammar, but they can not communicate with the English-speaking people successfully. The middle school students often have such experience that they know all the words in an article as well as the grammar structure, but they still can not understand its meaning. The main reason for the situation is that they can not understand English culture. When they communicate with others they encounter cultural barriers. While reading, they feel difficult to understand the meaning of the article accurately because of cultural barriers.
    In fact, learning a language and understanding it has reflected that culture and language can not be pided. But different nationalities have different culture, and this cultural nationalism that makes people who grow up in one cultural style can not accept another cultural style, thus forming the cultural barriers in language learning. English belongs to the Indo-European language system and Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language. English and Chinese were established in different cultures, so they reflect different customs. All these are reflected in the language and bring about cultural barriers to the learning of English in Chinese context.
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