    毕业论文关键词: 《人性的枷锁》; 枷锁;根源;途径
     Abstract W. S. Maugham is one of the prominent writers forged by the two world wars, his famous work Of Human Bondage is considered as his masterpiece. With his special perspective and sensitive feelings, Maugham seriously offers a careful illustration of human bondages: the bondage of religion, love and so on. This thesis analyzes the miserable childhood and the tortuous love of the main character Philip and aims to find out the social root and personal factors of these bondages. Besides, this thesis comes up with ways to get rid of these bondages, with the expectation that people can hold a right view towards themselves and others, and treat their relationship with the society with a sense of fairness and equality and establish a reasonable view of life.
    Key words: Of Human Bondage; bondage; roots; ways
    A Study on Bondages in Of Human Bondage
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Types of Bondages in Of Human Bondage    2
     2.1 The Bondage of Religion    2
     2.2 The Bondage of Love    5
     2.3 Other Bondages    7
    III. Roots of Bondages in Of Human Bondage    9
     3.1 The Social Background    9
     3.2 The Inpidual Factors    10
      3.2.1 Inpidual Social Identity    10
      3.2.2 Inpidual Personality    10
    IV. Ways to Get Rid of Bondages    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I. Introduction
    Born in 1874, Paris, as the fourth son of an English lawyer, William Somerset Maugham was a novelist, playwright and short-story writer. It is said that the majority of human beings are ordinary, but Maugham was not. He was an unordinary man, physically and spiritually. His stammer, with which he was so shy to open his mouth in public that the communication with others became more difficult, made him unordinary physically; however, this had not prevented him from being more perfect. On the contrary, he, with his special perspective, had devoted almost all his life to penetrating into the inaccessible soul of human beings, which made him unordinary spiritually.
    During all his life, Maugham had suffered a lot. His mother died when he was eight years old. Two years later, his father died, and then he was adopted by his childless uncle and aunt in England. When in school, he was always teased at by his fellows. It’s necessary to say that the two world wars had played a significant role in his writing career. It’s said that great achievements always come from great sufferings. This was also the case of Maugham. All the sufferings in his life provided him with two essential things for a good writer: the splendid materials, and the special perspective to write.
    In 1897, Maugham published his first book: Liza of Lambeth, which drew directly upon his experience as a medical student. This book depicted the negative side of Victorian life. The following plays, short stories and novels did not avoid such subjects which molded his life, either. He published his first full-length play, A Man of Honor in 1903. From then on, he wrote many other plays, which shared almost the same theme: the true love between a man and a woman, and the sincerity between inpiduals. Later, he gave up writing plays. According to him, it was because that he wanted the illumination that should bring forth a new spiritual life. He went on to write short stories like: The Moon and Sixpence (1919), The Razor’s Edge (1944), Cakes and Ale (1930), and Of Human Bondage (1915). As to writing, Maugham had his own ideas. He always put his protagonists into a vast background to depict their life. He emphasized on the protagonists’ long way to realize their self-identification.
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