
    Maugham was not a stranger to Chinese readers. However, the world had not paid so much attention to him and his works. Studies on him and his books were not deep enough. For example: Morgan depicted Maugham’s complicated personality in The Maugham; A Devil in Heaven is written in Chinese on Maugham’s life and works. These studies, of course, were very useful, but were not comprehensive and deep enough. It seemed that Maugham had been neglected. So, more efforts should be taken to study Maugham and his works, and to give him the reputation he deserved.
    Of Human Bondage (1915) is a novel by William Somerset Maugham. It is generally agreed to be his masterpiece, and to be strongly autobiographical in nature, although Maugham stated in a signed inscription of a copy of the book (dated August 28, 1957) that belonged to the renowned collector Ingle Barr: “This is a novel, not an autobiography , though much in it is autobiographical , more is pure invention” . During all his life, Maugham had suffered a lot. His mother died when he was eight years old. Two years later, his father died, and then he was adopted by his childless uncle and aunt in England. When in school, he was always teased at by his fellows. It’s necessary to say that the two world wars had played a significant role in his writing career. It’s said that great achievements always come from great sufferings. This was also the case of Maugham. All the sufferings in his life provided him with two essential things for a good writer: the splendid materials, and the special perspective to write. Case Analysis will be adopted to expound the point of view in this paper. The discrimination based on Philip childhood will fully show the bondages encounters in his life through analysis. To illustrate the meaning of this paper and find a way to get rid of the bondages, The Analysis method and Inductive method will be taken. Moreover, to understand the knowledge related to this topic selection, expansion of their related knowledge, form their own thinking of writing, and then consider how to organizing, expounding the views . The literature material law will be put to use for reading and study useful monographs and articles to our work, such as Leo. Tolstoy’s On The Significance of Science and art, Yu Weihua’s Readings in Intercultural Studies , Yang Ziwu’s An English Reader, Stendhal Love and so on.
    The whole paper consists five parts .The first part will give a brief introduction of the background of the paper. And the second part is going to analyze types of bondages in Of Human Bondage. In the third part, roots of bondages in Of Human Bondage will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about ways to get id of bondages. Then, I will sum up the whole paper.

    II. Types of Bondages

    Living in the world, one may be trapped in all kinds of bondages. Some may realize these bondages, while others not; some may escape from these bondages, while others not. In addition, different reasons can form different kinds of bondages.
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