    该研究发现,《爸爸去哪儿》第一季中存在情景语码转换和喻意语码转换;使用语码转换主要是顺应语言和顺应心理动机两类;这些语码转换起到了加强有效沟通、帮助节目提高收视率的作用。关键词  语码转换  顺应语言  顺应心理
    Title       Code Switching in Parent-Child Reality Show     ——the first season of Papa, Where shall we travel      
    Code switching is a very common phenomenon in our daily life. Scholars have made a large number of studies on this phenomenon from different perspectives. A great number of studies are about some serious situations like classroom teaching and literature works while a small number of studies are about entertainment programs. This paper will target an entertainment TV program to analyze the code switching in it. It is known that Papa, where shall we travel has drawn great attention with high audience rating and great social impact. And the code switching occurs frequently in this reality show. Therefore, this paper selects the first season of Papa, where shall we travel as the case analysis target. The corpus includes the code switching in the first season of Papa, where shall we travel. And the paper adopts qualitative analysis as the research method and adaptation theory to analyze the code switching phenomenon in the reality show, which may fill the vacancy in code switching study on Parent-Child Reality Show.
         Firstly, it is found that the first season of Papa, where shall we travel contains situational and metaphorical code switching. The code switching in this reality show is used mainly for adaptation to linguistic reality and mental motivations and it has the function of strengthening the effective communication and increasing the audience ratings.
    Keywords  Code Switching, Adaptation to linguistic reality, Adaptation to mental motivations
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    1.2    Background of the Study    1
    1.2        Resarch Questions    1
    1.3        Significance of the Study    1
    2    Literature Review    2
    2.1    Code Switching    2
    2.2        Reality TV Show    3
    2.3        Previous Studies on Papa, Where Shall We Travel    3
    3    Code Switching    5
    3.1    Definition    5
    3.2   Classification    5
    4   Theoretical Basis    6
    4.1   Verschueren Adaptation Theory    6
    4.2        Yu Guodong Adaptation Model    6
    5    Research Methodology    7
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