
    6    Detailed Analysis    8
    6.1    Classificaiton of Code Switching In Papa, Where Shall We Travel    8
    6.2    Realization of Adaptation Model in Papa, Where Shall We Travel    10
    6.3   Functions of Code Switching in Papa, Where Shall We Travel    13
    Conclusion    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    References    17
    1 Introduction
    1.1    Background of the study
    Code switching is a common phenomenon in our languages. The globalization urges people to learn foreign languages, which is a factor of the frequent use of code switching in our daily life. Scholars try to conduct research from the different perspectives of grammar, social linguistics, psychological linguists and pragmatics. And others study the code switching from the perspective of movies, TV program, articles and daily life. The study of the code switching is relatively mature. However, the number of research on serious situation like literature works or class teaching is much larger than that on entertainment, so it is still worthwhile doing research on code switching.
    As a new type of education and entertainment program, parent-child reality show is becoming more and more popular. When the first season of Papa, Where Shall We travel was broadcast, it caused great repercussions. It becomes one of the household names of entertainment program. Many studies are made to explore the success from the media point of view, few of scholars them are made on code switching in this kind of TV show. Therefore, the first season of Papa, Where Shall We Travel is a case deserving study for its great success.

    1.2 Research Questions
        The study will focus on three questions as presented below:
    1.  How many kinds of code switching are there in the first season of Papa, Where Shall We Travel
    2.  How is the adaptation realized in Papa, Where Shall We Travel through code switching?
    3.  What’s the function of code switching in this TV show?

    1.3 Significance of the study
         The significance of the study is presented as follows. First, the study employs Yu Guodong’s adaptation model of code switching. It verifies the application of his theory. Secondly, this study enriches the case study of code switching in reality TV show, providing reference for other studies on code switching in reality show. Finally, this study is of great significance to better understand the code switching phenomenon and how it influences the communication and program promotion.
    2 Literature Review
    2.1 Code switching
    Code switching is a common language phenomenon. For many years, scholars have made a lot of research on code switching home or abroad. They made the research from different perspectives and harvested a lot The researches are usually conducted from five aspects of research——social linguistics, syntax, social psychology, conversation analysis and pragmatics. Some scholars like Lv Dairong (Lv, 2003) explore the effect of code switching on the communication from the perspective of sociallinguistics. Li Jingwei (Li, 2004) took the perspective of syntax, focus on the grammar rule when two different kinds of languages exist in a sentence. Liu Chenyu (Liu, 2011) carried out the research from the angle of social psychology and explored the psychological motivation. Wang Jin, Huang Guowen and Lv Dairong(Wang,2004; Huang,2014& Lv,2004) employed conservation analysis for the research on code switching. Yu Guodong and Liu Zhengguang(Yu,2000 & Liu, 2000) revealed the dynamic process of language use from the perspective of pragmatics. And at the same time, Yu Guogdong(Yu, 2004) put forward the Adaptation Model of code switching and explored the aim of code switching.
    Many scholars combine the code switching with daily life and make the research on the practical significance. Wei Sen studied the code switching in literature works and analyzed the motivation of code switching. Dong Lianzhong(Dong,2013) linked the code switching with teaching in class and discussed its function in teaching. Zhang Fengxia(Zhang, 2011) made the research on dandarin and dialects. Ding Lifang(Ding, 2011) analyzed the types and functions of code switching on the internet. When scholars study code switching, they mainly focus on the motivation and functions of the use of code switching. Wang Jin found from the research on Chinese newspaper in Guangzhou that the functions of code switching can be pided into experience function, interpersonal function and discourse function. Zhang Hongwei and Zhang Yuwei classified the functions into 9 types, including indentifying target audience and enhancing oxidative effect. It is clear that code switching is widely used in our daily life and it has different kinds of functions. However, the number of research on serious situation like literature works or class is much larger than that on entertainment, especially a new kind of education and entertainment program—— Parent-Child Reality Show. Therefore, this paper will make the research on the code switching on this kind of show.
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