
毕业论文关键词: 嘉莉;自我;重建;成功

Abstract    Sister Carrie has caught lots of critical attentions in America and abroad。 For a long time Carrie has been considered as a fallen woman with an ugly heart。 Until the appearances of many new values, Carrie is interpreted from various perspectives。 In my opinion, Carrie has pursued not only material things, but also the self-rebuilding as a New Woman。 This thesis investigates her success of building a new self, including the process of formation, struggles and rebuilding of her self, to discuss whether Carrie is a successful woman。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

Key words: Carrie; Self; Rebuilding; Success


Introduction 4

Chapter I The Formation来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766   of a Self 7

1。1 From Affiliation to Independence 8

1。2 Job Hunting in Chicago 9

Chapter II Physical and Spiritual Loss of Carrie’s Self 10

Chapter III Inner Struggles of Carrie --Changes in Love 12

Chapter IV Carrie’s Zigzagging Process of Rebuilding of Self 15

4。1 Economical independence 15

4。2 Returning to Physical independence 16

4。3 Carrie’s Pursuit in Art 19

Conclusion 21

References 23


Theodore Dreiser is one of the most remarkable figures in American literature。 His novels always explore the new social problems occurring in the rapidly industrializing America。

Sister Carrie was not widely accepted after it was published due to its overwhelming accumulation of factual details as well as conflicts with traditional values。 For example, the Toledo Blade reported that the book is a faithful portraiture of the conditions it represents, but that it was too realistic and somber to be altogether pleasing。 There is also the receipt of sale which Doubleday sent to Dreiser showing that Sister Carrie was not withdrawn from the shelves, reporting that 456 copies of the 1,008 copies printed were sold。    论文网

Negative response to the novel came largely from the book’s sexual content, which made Sister Carrie, in the words of the Omaha Daily Bee in 1900, “not a book to be put into the hands of every reader indiscriminately。”  Another review in Life criticized Carrie’s success as they thought Carrie would end her days rather than be a successful actress。 

Several critics complained the title made the book sound as if the main character is a nun。 The title of the book was considered by The Newark Sunday News to be the weakest thing about the book because it “does not bear the faintest relation to the story。” Similarly, Frederic Taber Cooper in The Bookman declared it to be a “colorless and misleading title。” Other common complaints were about the length of the book and that it is so depressing that it is unpleasant to read。

As time goes by, there is a great change of attitude to Sister Carrie。 Reviews mentioned the novel’s realistic depiction of the human condition。 A 1901 review in The Academy said that Sister Carrie was “absolutely free from the slightest trace of sentimentality or pettiness, and dominated everywhere by a serious and strenuous desire for truth。”  The London Express claimed that realism made the book appealing: “It is a cruel, merciless story, intensely clever in its realism, and one that will remain impressed in the memory of the reader for many a long day。”  The novel has also been praised for its accurate depiction of the protests in New York and the city life in Chicago。 Many modern critics hold the view that Carrie is rebellious and a symbol of NEW WOMAN。 Her spiritual world is deeply explored in spite of superficial fall。 The development of arguments of Carrie represents great achievements in the development of feminism。

















