A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of “Shui Diao Ge Tou” from the Perspective of Gestalt Theory
Abstract In China, there is a saying that goes “poem shows ambition, while Ci expresses emotion”。 On Song Dynasty, numerous well-known Ci poets and enduring masterpieces sprung up。 These popular works reflect the society, history, humanities and also contain an exquisite emotion of the author。 Because Song-Ci has high literary value, it is now attracting more and more attention both at home and abroad。 But for translators, conveying the image accurately and finding a balance between input language and output language are not easy。89499
The application of Gestalt Theory in translation has opened a brand new view---psychology。 This theory stresses on psychology of original poet and translator, which leads to the conclusion that the sum of the parts of the organization is greater than the whole。 It replaces traditional structural correspondence with the overall concept of the original。 This paper will focus on a comparative study of the two English versions of “Shui Diao Ge Tou”, which is written by Xu Yuanchong and John。 A。 Turner from the perspective of three laws of Gestalt Theory, and select a better version which is closer to the source language。
Key Words: Gestalt Theory; “Shui Diao Ge Tou”; Heterogeneous Isomorphism; Holism; Closure
摘 要中国自古以来就有“诗言志 词言情”的说法。宋朝时期涌现了一大批家喻户晓的的词人和经久不衰的传世之作。这些脍炙人口的作品在反映社会,历史,人文的同时,无不蕴含着词人细腻的情感。正因其极高的文学价值,宋词正吸引着越来越多的国内外的关注。而对于译者来说,想要精确传达词中意象,在输入语和输出语之间找到平衡点绝非易事。
格式塔心理学理论在翻译领域的运用为宋词的翻译开启了新的大门。格式塔意象再造提出了整体图式生成转换的翻译策略,用整体概念取代传统结构对应。论文将用格式塔理论的三个原则对苏轼的《水调歌头》许渊冲和John A。 Turner的两个英译本进行对比分析,从而得出相对而言更贴近源语言的译作。
1。 Introduction 1
1。1 Research Background 1
1。2 Significance of the Research 1
1。3 Structure of the Study 2
2。 Literature 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 Review 3
2。1 Gestalt Theory 3
2。1。1 An overview on Gestalt Theory 3
2。1。2 Gestalt Laws 3
2。2 Application of Gestalt Theory to Translation 5
3。 A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of “Shui Diao Ge Tou” from the Perspective of Gestalt Theory 7
3。1 An Introduction to “Shui Diao Ge Tou” 7
3。2 A Comparative Study of Two English Versions of “Shui Diao Ge Tou” from the Perspective of Gestalt Theory 7
3。2。1 The Law of Heterogeneous Isomorphism 7