1。2 Research Significance

1。2。1 Theoretical Significance

New curriculum standard clearly states that the goal of junior middle school English curriculum should focus on improvement of students' ability to exchange properly in English, the ability to obtain, process information and analyze, solve problems in English, and the ability to think and communicate in English on the basis of further developing students' basic ability to use language。

However, after a period of internship last semester, I find that in junior middle school English classroom, there are a lot of problems existing in most English teachers' instructional language。 What is more important is that they themselves do not realize the seriousness of those problems, so it is unlikely for them to improve students' ability to communicate properly in English, students' ability to obtain and process information, analyze and solve problems, as well as the ability to think and express in English just as what are pointed out in the new curriculum standard。 

In fact, in many cases, teachers’ improper instructional language in classroom may exert tremendous impacts on students' English learning, especially to the extremely sensitive junior middle school students, because they are just in the period of youth rebellion。 Therefore, I choose English teachers’ instructional language as the direction of my thesis。 And I do hope that English teachers could pay attention to their instructional language and be aware of problems exiting in their language so that they can efficiently and exactly build a standard system of instructional language, which greatly benefit students’ English learning。

1。2。2 Practical Significance论文网

Proper instructional language is an important guarantee of English classes of high quality。 English as a special subject, is not only the second language needed to be mastered by students, but also a tool for teachers and students to communicate with each other and complete teaching tasks。 Therefore, the quality of English teachers' instructional language almost directly determines the level of an English class。 If English teachers speak carelessly in class, they will easily make a lot of language mistakes。 And some English teachers simply teach in Chinese。 All of which will make students lose an excellent opportunity to expose themselves to pure English。 

When given a task, students do hope that the teacher could express his or her thoughts clearly so that students would know exactly what they are really needed to do。 Or when asked a question, students also want to be politely treated and given more time to think to open up their minds。 That is to say, the proper instructional language can at least contribute to improving teaching quality in class, as well as students’ ability of English learning and using off class。 Thus we can see that how important it is for English teachers to always pay attention to their instructional language。 

1。3 Research questions

    Though the research of English teachers’ instructional language starts late, it has made great progress。 People attach more and more importance to the research of instructional language, but they do the same research from different aspects。 For example, some focus on the aspect of language level, some focus on the aspect of linguistics, and some focus on the aspect of different types of classes。 However, there are few people paying attention to the status of instructional language in classroom, especially to teachers’ directives, communication language and teachers’ feedback, three main stages where teachers’ instructional language play important parts during the whole class。

The research would collect and analyze the linguistic data from junior middle school classroom, and then do the further analysis from aspects of teachers’ directives, communication language and teachers’ feedback。 It aims to find out problems existing in teachers’ instructional language as well as raise teachers’ awareness of present problems。 Then, teachers would be able to use proper instructional language and it benefits the promotion of students’ English level。文献综述

















