2。 Literature Review

2。1 The advertising

"Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors trough the various media。 This meaning of advertising is defined by American Marketing Association。"(Wang 5) And the main components of the advertising are head line, body copy and slogan。 Moreover, Advertising target can be summarized as ACCA which means awareness, comprehension, conviction and action。 This means good advertising is new and unique to attract people's attention。 Also, people must be able to understand its message, or it lost its original role of advertising。 Inpiduals only understand what the meaning of the advertisement, will be interested in some favorable information。 Then they will accept the things advertised in the advertisement。 Finally, according to their own needs, they will take some action。 Advertising is not only for the people to get "enjoyment"。 The more important thing is to draw people's attention to the advertising of goods, in order to stimulate people's desire to buy and lead to the behavior of buying。

Lots of scholars have provided a great variety of interpretations or descriptions of advertising。 T。Vestergaard and K。Schroder analyzed that how to achieve the communicative purposes of the advertisers through advertising from the perspective of social-linguistics。 Not only did they explore the hidden social motivations in advertising, they also found that advertising is more persuasive than the promises in the real life。 In the G。N。Leech’s study, he analyzed the linguistic features of advertising English from the perspective of Linguistics。 He found the function of the most frequently used adjectives and novel compound words with the adjective of the western advertising。 However, he fails to interpret advertising language。 While in Luo Chunyan’s study, the similarities and differences between English and Chinese advertising were discussed。 She holds the opinion that Chinese and English advertisement have the similar sentence structure。 However, for every country's own unique traditional cultures, there are many differences in the Chinese and English advertising。 As a result, those differences are dominated by the different cultural background。

2。2 The Cultural Differences

There are as many as 160 definitions of culture in regular publications the world over, which vary so much that no agreement can be reached among them。 But the most authoritative of them is the one advanced in Primitive Culture published in 1871 by the outstanding anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor (1832~1917) :"Culture, or civilization, is the complex whole that consists of knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs and other abilities and habits that man acquires as a member of society。"(Zhang create 5) 文献综述

According to the geographical location, culture can be pided into eastern culture and western culture。 Both western culture and eastern culture are organic parts of world culture。 But the western countries and eastern countries show their own cultural characteristics due to the quite different geographical environments, lifestyles, behaviors, historical backgrounds, values, ethics and other aspects of the differences。 

Culture is the driving force of language creation and the content of expression, different advertising to reflect different aspects of different cultures, the two have an inseparable relationship。 The concept of advertising is the core content of advertising。 Social culture influences and restricts the advertising and its expression。 The advertising which reflects the social culture is easy to be understood and accepted by people, so it can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and more convincing。 I will study the intrinsic relationship of different social culture and advertising between China and western countries。

















