毕业论文关键词: 生态旅游 环境保护 茅山湖 滨水景观
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research on the protection and development of ecological tourism
Abstract The establishment of the basis of meaning in the basic concept of eco tourism, discusses characteristics of nature and development process, discusses the negative consequences of the concept of eco-tourism misunderstanding, the positive significance of the development of ecological tourism in China and the development of ecological tourism, discusses the tourism theory and the harm of blind worship only the only ecological theory, and taking the Maoshan Lake eco tourism resort landscape planning and design as an example, based on the current situation of the project, on how to make the ecological tourism resort in the fierce market competition, talent shows itself for adequate analysis to show the Maoshan lake ecological tourism resort development highlights, hope that people understand digestion in the process of ecological tourism, ecological tourism, let the concept of people。
Key words: ecotourism environmental protection Lake Maoshan Waterfront landscape
目 次
1 引言 1来-自+优=尔;论.文:网www.youerw.com +QQ7520.18766
2 生态旅游的论述 1
3 生态旅游概念错误认识产生的后果 3
4 我国生态旅游发展现状 4
4。1 从游客的角度评价 4
4。2 从生态旅游资源的角度评价 4
4。3 从生态旅游的角度评价 4
5 生态旅游的积极意义 5
6 生态旅游的开发程序 5
6。1 生态旅游区现状调查 6
6。2 对生态旅游区现状调查的分析 6
7 以茅山湖生态旅游度假村景观规划设计为例 7
7。1 项目概况 7
7。2 场地现状 8
7。3 规划理念 8
7。3。1 “水在村中游,村在水中立” 8
7。3。2 打造特色“船之旅” 10
7。3。3 项目理想实现“进污排清” 11
7。3。4 打造个性和美丽兼具的景观规划 12
结论 15