2。1 Culture differences in international business negotiations

After China's accession to the WTO, economic and cultural ties with countries have become increasingly close。 People with different cultural backgrounds appear at the international negotiating table for common economic purposes。 Culture exists invisibly around people and has a subtle effect on international business negotiations。 Stalin said: "Every nation has its own essential characteristics and the nature of belonging to the nation but not the characteristics of other people, regardless of its size (Jiang 117)。" Culture is a factor that cannot be ignored in international communication。 It is a nation-specific value, codes of conduct and customs, etc。, is a distinctive feature of the nation-state society, is the most difficult to grasp the communication of a factor in communication。 Communication and negotiation are restricted by culture, which determines the result or consequence of the communication and negotiation, which is inseparable with each other。

International business negotiation is a form of direct communication between people, and it will be influenced by the culture of each country and nation。 In international trade activities, the negotiators are likely to come from different cultural environments and influenced by different cultures so that the results of the negotiations affected differently。 The multicultural culture international economy and trade beyond national borders。 In most cases, international business negotiations are cultural exchanges and communication。 The neglect of cultural differences and lack of communication by negotiators, inadequate preparation and improper handling in negotiations will increase the difficulty of international business negotiations; the more understanding of each other’s culture, the more familiar, in international business negotiations can reduce the cultural differences caused by misunderstanding, improve the feasibility of negotiations, and so as to become more active in the negotiations。 Thus, it is very necessary for negotiators to study each other's culture carefully before and during the negotiations, and the international business negotiations are closely connected with the culture。 Therefore, it has become a top priority to comprehensively understand the cultural factors in international business negotiations, to strengthen the cultural factors of research in the international business negotiations。 

2。2 The Chinese and Western cultural differences  文献综述

In the international business negotiations, negotiators from different nationalities and regions have different cultural differences and conflicts, such as values, language and customs, which make the international business culture environment more complicated。 When we go to this international negotiating table, the first thing to do is to correctly face the cultural differences among countries and to identify the root of differences, otherwise it will inevitably affect the communication between each other, it is difficult to form a unified negotiation goals。 Therefore, we must recognize that the most important cultural differences between China and the West in the negotiations, This is for us to know the partners and yourself well and strive for a more favorable bargaining position。 Now I come from the following aspects on the values, thinking patterns, time, etiquette and language habits to analyze the performance of Chinese and Western cultural differences。

















