As the outstanding contemporary translator, Xu Yuanchong has achieved a great success in translating the Chinese classical poetry.The “Three-Beauty” Principle put forward by him has a considerable position in the field of poetry translation。 This thesis is going to take the “Three-Beauty” Principle as the theoretical foundation to view different English translations of Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems。 We are going to find that how translators try their best to reserve the original beauty in sense,sound and form in poetry translation through different examples。 

At the beginning, the thesis introduces the “Three Beauty” Principle which was put forward by Xu Yuanchong。 Next chapter illustrates the “Three Beauties” which are Beauty in sound, Beauty in form and Beauty in sense in the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci poems。 Next part is a comparative study of English versions of “ Sheng ShengMan” from the perspective of “Three Beauties”。 

From what has been discussed above, “Three-Beauty” Principle can be used as reference in translating Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems, and the poetry translation under its guidance can show the beauty of the original works in a great degree。 

2。 Literature Review来自优I尔Y论S文C网 加QQ7520~18766

Bing Xin was the first one who translated Ci Poems of Li Qingzhao, and there were twenty five Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems translated in her graduate thesis for a master’s degree in 1926。 However, it is in 1980s when the study and research on the translation of Li’s works were really developed。 

In 1981, Xu Yuanchong put forward the “Three Beauty” Principle officially in The Criteria of Translation。 The article is the first professional one about the translation of Ci Poems of Li Qingzhao and also the maximum translation of Li Qingzhao’ Ci Poems。 The book has a whole chapter to discuss Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems。 In this chapter, he explains “The Beauty Principle” fully by analyzing his translations of 60 Li’s Ci Poems in detail, showing us the strategy in translating Ci Poems and how “Three Beauty Principle” guides him to create satisfactory translations。 

Robert Payne studied the translation of Li Qingzhao’ Ci poems the first time in foreign countries in 1949。 In the 1950s, the translation of Li Qingzhao’ Ci Poems became popular because the Chinese classical poems were highly prasied by San Francisco Renaissance for its themes and disposal of images。 Kenneth Rexroth as a major representative of American Imagist poetry is absolutely one of the outstanding ones in bringing Li Qingzhao’ Ci Poems to the western world。 Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry was published in 1975。 It includes thirteen Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems which were translated by Eugene Eoyang。 The book is true to the originals but persist in accuracy as well as readability。 150 Chinese Poems from the Great Dynasties in 1980 contains twenty Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems。 It is also faithful to the originals as a criterion。 There are also many other famous articles and books about translation of Li Qinzghao’s Ci Poems can be found at home and abroad。 It is true that translators throughout the world have made great contributions to the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems。

3。 Xu Yuanchong and His Translation Theory 

Xu Yuanchong is an outstanding translator who has translated more than 50 kinds of classic works。 He has made outstanding contributions to the development of the translation of Chinese classical poetry。 XuYuanchong was not only a well-known translator of Chinese classics, but also a great theorist in putting forward translation theories。 In the book Vanished Spring(2011),he made a brief summary of his theory as the following words:

















