Abstract The Yellow Wallpaper is written by Charlotte P。 Gillman, a celebrated   American authoress and feminist pioneer。 Part of the feminist movement, this short story voices a woman’s aspiration for freedom and independence in the male-dominated society。 A Madman's Diary is a short story published in 1918 by the Chinese author Lu Xun that can be read as an irony of traditional Chinese feudalism declining in a period known as the New Culture Movement 。

Although The Yellow Wallpaper and A Madman's Diary were written in different countries with contrasted cultural tradition, Gillman and Lu Xun coincidentally adopted the similar narrative technique for the depiction of a mad and revolting protagonist。 Both authors use their novels as a critique of social darkness and highlight an awakening sense of freedom。 This thesis analyses and studies the images of the two mad figures, exploring the literary mechanism for the mad images portrayed through a first–person narration in contrasted social and cultural context。92354

Keywords: madness; tragedy; symbolism; feminism;anti-feudalism

摘要《黄色墙纸》由美国最杰出的小说家和女权主义先驱之一的夏洛特·吉尔曼所著,这篇短篇小说讲述了女性如何在男权社会中为自我而奋斗,表达了压迫中的女性对独立和自由的渴望,对女权运动产生了巨大的影响。《狂人日记》是中国作家鲁迅在1918年发表的短篇小说,它提倡新兴文化,被视为讽刺抨击中国传统礼教的开山之作,为新文化运动奠定了夯实的基础。源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766




1。Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。Cultural and Philosophical Background 3

3。1 China in the era of englightenment 3

3。2 Awakening of feminist awareness 4

4。Analysis of the Depiction of Madness in Both Works 5

4。1Prototypes of mad images 5

4。2 Diary as the narrative form 6

4。3 Use of symbolism 7

4。4 Existential approach to the mad images 8

5。Rationality Behind Madness 10

5。1 Interpretations of Insanity 10

5。2 Restoration of Sanity 11

6。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。Introduction 来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

In modern or ancient times, in China or abroad, there are too many images of madness in the literary works。 The yellow wallpaper and A madman’s diary are the most remarkable in  the turn of the 20th century, Regarded as the forerunner of Chinese and western lunatic narration , they had enormous contemporary influence。 

The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story based on Gillman’s personal life experience。 It is presented in the first person as a series of journal entries written by a woman (Jane) whose husband (John) rented a large house for the sake of her health。 John prevents her from writing, working, and contacting with her relatives so the narrator has to her journal from him。 She secretly keeps a diary。 The windows of the room are barred, and there is a gate across the top of the stairs, allowing her husband to control her access to the rest of the house。 Most of the time, the narrator is left alone to face the ugly yellow wallpaper in the nursery。 With very little to do and husband’s control, she becomes obsessed by the pattern and color of the wallpaper。 “It is the strangest yellow, that wall-paper! It makes me think of all the yellow things I ever saw – not beautiful ones like buttercups, but old foul, bad yellow things。 But there is something else about that paper – the smell。。。 The only thing I can think of that it is like is the color of the paper! A yellow smell。”(Gilman 11)

















