Abstract Advertisements become more and more significant in the growth of society for their special functions: informative function, expressive function, vocative function。 And numerous cultural values can be found in advertising, nevertheless, different advertisements embody different cultural values。 The thesis is based on the research of Greet Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions and Edward。 T。 Hall’s context culture theory。 According to their theories, the author focuses on four dimensions: context culture, power distance, long-term versus short-term orientation to time, and inpidualism versus collectivism to compare differences between Chinese and American cultural values in advertising。 Meanwhile, the author analyzes similarities between Chinese and American cultural values in advertising at two aspects: the pursuit of high quality and practical values。 At last, this paper aims to reduce barriers existing in the process of cultural communication, strengthen the understanding of multi-culture, and facilitate the mixture of cultural exchange。 And some implication and suggestions about advertisement design are provided 。93188

key words: advertising; cultural values; comparative research; cultural communication

摘要广告凭借其特殊的三大功能:表达功能 ,信息功能 和呼唤功能,在社会发展中的作用越来越突出。文化价值观能够在广告中得以体现,然而不同的广告折射了多样的文化价值观。作者将Edward T。 Hall的文化语境理论和Greet Hofstede的文化纬度理论作为论述基础。根据Greet Hofstede和Edward T。 Hall的理论,作者主要从文化语境,权力距离,长期取向与短期取向,个人主义与集体主义四方面剖析中美广告中文化价值观的差异,从追求质量和实用价值这两方面来探寻中美广告中文化价值观的相同点。最后,本文旨在减少文化交流过程中存在的阻碍,增强人们对多元文化的解读能力,促进文化交流融合,以及对广告内容设计的一些启示和建议。

毕业论文关键词:广告;文化价值观;对比研究;文化交流来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review。。。2

2。1。 Studies on Advertising。。。3

2。2 Studies on cultural values 3

2。3 Theoretical basis 6

3。 Differences in Cultural Values Embodied in the Advertisement of China and America 6

3。1 Differences in context culture 6

3。2 Differences in power distance 7

3。3 Long-term versus short-term orientation to time。 9

3。4 Inpidualism versus collectivism 10

4。 Similarities in Cultural Values Reflected in Chinese and American advertising 11

4。1 Similarity in the pursuit of quality 11

4。2 Similarity in pragamatic values 12

5。 Conclusion and implication 13

Works Cited。。 。15 

1。 Introduction 论文网

Nowhere in history has the advertising been playing more important role in the globalization of the world economy。 A satisfying advertisement can be the key in today’s fierce business competition。 Meanwhile, researchers have been trying their best to do unremitting work to create competing advertisements。 

   Considering the features of advertisements, and on the basis of Hofstede’s Model of Cultural Dimensions and Hall’s Context Culture theory, the author makes comparisons between Chinese and American cultural values in advertising from four dimensions: context culture, power distance, long-term versus short-term orientation to time, inpidualism versus collectivism。 Meanwhile, analyzing similarities between Chinese and American cultural values in advertising from two points: the pursuit of quality and practical values。 

















