Many writers interpret the novel from different aspects。 Most of the information we have, or the existing interpretation, holds that The Gift of the Magi is a novel of extolling sincere love。 Many of the writers think that in this novel, the difficult environment sets off the beauty of human nature。Jim and Della are happy, because money is the most important in that world, they are the combination and reflection of human nature and pure love。For example,Deng Gang in his article wrote that “The author of the novel is to extol the true love of the underclass”。(Deng 67)However, some critics believe that this novel reflects the grim reality and sorrow。Such as “Comic ending serves as a foil to the bitterness of real life;poverty reveals the fickleness of the world;poverty gives birth to discount love ” in Qin Dejuan's article。(Qin 143)

     Humanism can be said to be the mainstream ideology in Western culture during the Renaissance period。 It is generally believed that humanism is the product of the period of Renaissance and religious reform。The main idea of the Renaissance is to praise and respect human nature, promote people-oriented view, vigorously oppose to God-oriented thinking。 Because the Renaissance was a period in which a person could be highly respected, and vigorously praised humanity, the thought was manifested in many literary works at the time。 Therefore, the Renaissance humanistic spirit is the most important part of the humanistic spirit in foreign literature。

     Humanism is the ideological system that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings,inpidually and collectively,and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence over acceptance of dogma or superstition。Generally speaking,humanism refers to a perspective that affirms some notion of human freedom and progress。Humanists at that time emphasized the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life。They also voiced their beliefs that man have the right to enjoy the beauty of his life。文献综述

     The spirit of humanism has a profound history of development, and the mainstream ideas in different periods of performance are not the same, but the characteristics are roughly the same。 

     First, adhere to the principle of people-oriented, aimed at the respect for human nature。 It emphasizes the view that the concepts including values and all knowledge are drawn from experience by human mind。From the ancient Greek literature to the 20th century literature are full of this people-oriented spirit。Second, adhere to the principle of freedom and equality。 This is mainly to promote people's personality, lift people's various shackles,and promote people's pursuit of freedom and equality。And the spirit of humanism in foreign literature has always expressed freedom and equality of thought and spirit, while freedom and equality is the highest level of humanistic spirit pursued。Third, pay attention to people's thoughts。People have a dominant role in the universe。 So everyone has his own thought。Everyone has his own value, and everyone should take the initiative to pursue the opportunity to achieve the value of self。 Especially in the Western world, people advocate the value of themselves in the universe and respect for human spiritual emotions, but also attach importance to human self-awareness and self-criticism。Therefore, the spirit of self-improvement is to cultivate foreign literature in the humanistic spirit of the favorable embodiment。 

     After reading The Gift of the Magi, the author of this paper thinks that humanism runs through the whole novel。The novel conveys the beauty and warmth of human nature。

3。The Praise for Love

     Alan Bullock in the book “The Humanist Tradition in the West” pointed out that humanism focuses on the value of human beings, whether it is strong or weak, everyone is dignified。And Mark in his book “Explore Humanism” wrote that “Humanism is a human-centred concern with science,reason,happiness and freedom”。(Vemon 52)How does O。 Henry give the brush to the depths of human nature in the short story of The Gift of the Magi, and how is it to show and extol humanism to embody the humanistic feelings? Through this chapter we will get profound interpretation。

















