    Abstract As a developing country, China is increasing its overall national strength, and much emphasis is put on Chinese culture transmission. At 2014 APEC, held in Beijing in November, four speeches delivered by President Xi contain many culture-loaded words, including ancient Chinese poems, phrases, proverbs and political terms. These words not only clearly express his purposes, but also show profound cultural Chinese characteristics. So it is important for the interpreter to translate the culture-loaded words correctly for conveying the speaker’s intension.27301
    This thesis studies how traditional Chinese culture-loaded words are translated, how Chinese political terms are translated into English, and what translation strategy is employed in English translation. The research is conducted based on the four speeches delivered by President Xi from the perspective of Skopostheorie. After in-depth analysis, the writer of this thesis discovers that the interpreter uses free translation in order to achieve the speaker’s purposes when doing Chinese culture-loaded words and Chinese political terms. But if the direct translation does not hinder imparting speaker’s intention, the interpreter usually employs direct translation.
    Key Words: Culture-loaded Words     APEC     Skopostheorie   Translation Strategies
     摘 要作为一个发展中国家,中国综合实力不断增强,文化的对外输出也随之变得越来越重要。在2014年11月北京举行的APEC(亚太经济合作组织)会议上,习主席发表了4篇演讲,其中便运用了大量的古诗、成语、谚语等富有文化意蕴的文化负载词.这些文化负载词既表达了演讲人的主旨思想,又彰显了中国深厚的文化底蕴。对于译者来说如何翻译好这些文化负载词,正确传达出演讲人的意图至关重要。
    关键词: 文化负载词     APEC     翻译目的论     翻译策略
    Abstract    i
    摘 要    ii
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Objectives of the Research    1
    1.2 Significance of the Study    2
    Chapter Two Literature Review    3
    2.1 Skopostheorie    3
    2.2 Culture-loaded Words    4
    2.2.1 The Definition of Culture-loaded Words    4
    2.2.2 The Characteristics of Culture-loaded Words    5
    Chapter Three Methodology    7
    Chapter Four Research of the Translations    8
    4.1 The Translation of the Culture-loaded Words and Classifications    8
    4.2 Analysis of the Culture-loaded Words from Skopostheorie    10
    Chapter Five Conclusion    13
    5.1 Summary    13
    5.2 Limitations    14
    References    16
     On Chinese–English Interpretation of Culture-loaded Words in President Xi ’s Speeches at 2014 APEC
    Chapter One Introduction
    In this chapter, the objectives and the significance of this study will briefly be stated.
    1.1 Objectives of the Research
    With the rapid development of economy and technology, many countries seek more co-operations than competitions, thus international events become more and more frequent, of which speech is one of the indispensable ways that many leaders from different nations and various organizations take to illustrate their politics assertions and actualize the function and duty of the government. China, a prosperous and ascending country, is catching more people’s attention. To highlight and manifest unique and extensive Chinese culture, there is a tendency for Chinese national leaders to employ culture-loaded words in their speeches to convey both information and culture.
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