
毕业论文关键词  政治演说   模糊限制语   语用功能

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Pragmatic Analysis to Hedges in Obama's Speeches


This paper selects 10 typical examples of political speeches made by President Obama as the corpora. Statistic analyses are emphasized on two of them, and the rest are for reference. The thesis picks out hedges, calculates the frequency and distribution of the hedges among the predominant three examples, which are analyzed under the pragmatic theories of the Cooperative Principle, the Politeness Principle and the Face Threatening Theory, etc. It explores the pragmatic functions of hedges in Obama’s speeches. The research aims to enlighten people like statesmen or speakers. Additionally, it benefits English teaching, which offers Chinese students a better understanding of hedges and application to communicative skills

Keywords   political speeches   hedges   pragmatic functions   


Table of Contents

1  Introduction 1

1.1  Background 1

1.2  Significance 1

1.3  Organization 2

2  Literature Review 2

2.1  Definition and classification of hedges 2

2.2  Characteristics of Political Speech 6

2.3  Speech styles of Obama 7

2.4  Introduction of Pragmatic Principles 8

3  Data Collection and Methodology 10

3.1  Research Questions 11

3.2  Data Collection 11

3.3  Methodology 11

4  Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Political Speeches 12

4.1  Distribution and Frequency of Hedges in Obama's Speeches 12

4.2  Pragmatic Functions of Hedges in Obama's Speeches 15

Conclusion 20

Acknowledgements 22

Bibliography 23

1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Fuzziness is one of the fundamental features of language,and it prevails in language. It is not taken as a theory until L.A Zadeh, an American mathematician, raised the fuzzy set story in 1965. “All the language is more or less fuzzy”. (Russell, 1923: 88). WuTiePing (1999: 73) states that “fuzzy language has become an indispensible part in everyday communication and that human language would be unnatural without fuzzy language”. Since hedges are a core member in fuzzy language, it occurs frequently in daily communication. George Lakeoff (1972) introduced “hedges” in his paper “Hedges: a study in meaning criteria and the logic of fuzzy concepts”. Since then, the research about hedges was brought to the research field of linguistics. In the process, hedges study shifted from the perspective of semantics to that of pragmatics. Semantics focuses on the logic concept and definition on foundation of Fuzzy Sets theory of Zadeh while pragmatics emphasizes on some important distinctions and pisions between hedges and pragmatics principles, functions under contexts. Nowadays, more and more scholars study hedges from discourse perspective such as law discourse, political discourse, advertising discourse, etc.文献综述

















