    Abstract Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) is one of the most frequently used products. With the development of economy, China’s fast moving consumer goods industry is rapidly growing. At the same time, we cannot ignore the conflicts of marketing channels in this industry with instability and inadaptability as the main threat. It is of great importance to understand the FMCG channel conflict so that we can solve channel conflict and promote the realization of channel cooperation. This paper first analyzes the manifestations, causes and impact of channel conflict in FMCG industry and then takes the successful strategies of Unilever as a case to discusses the solutions of FMCG marketing channel conflicts, which are power management and partnership-channel relationship management. The research on the channel conflict management is of great significance for the healthy development of the fast moving consumer goods industry.27969
    Key words: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)     Marketing Channel Conflict     Power Management     Marketing Channel Partnership
     摘要快速消费品是我们每个人日常生活接触最频繁和最熟悉的产品类型,随着经济的高速发展,我国快速消费品行业也在迅速的成长和壮大,与此同时,各种快消品的营销渠道之间的冲突却越来越无法忽视,主要表现在营销渠道的不稳定和缺乏灵活性。对于这样一个充满发展前景的行业, 如何把握行业现状、理解快消品渠道冲突、合理解决渠道内各种冲突以及推进渠道合作的实现,是十分重要的课题。本文分析了快速消费品行业分销渠道冲突的表现、成因和影响,在此基础上以联合利华成功的营销策略为案例,提出了快速消费品行业营销渠道冲突的对策,即权利管理和渠道合作管理。这一研究对于快速消费品行业的健康发展有着积极的意义。
    关键词:快速消费品     营销渠道冲突     权利管理     渠道合作管理
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Chapter One  Introduction    1
    1.1 The background information of FMCG industry    1
    1.2 Significance of the research    4
    1.3 Structure of the paper    5
    Chapter Two  Literature Review    6
    2.1 Related concepts    6
    2.2 Relevant Studies home and abroad    7
    Chapter Three  Discussion on FMCG Industry Channel Conflict    9
    3.1 Manifestation of channel conflict    9
    3.2 Reasons of FMCG channel conflict    10
    3.3 Influence of channel conflict    11
    Chapter Four  The Solutions of FMCG Industry Channel Conflict    13
    4.1 Power management of FMCG industry channel conflict    13
    4.3 Case study of Unilever    15
    Chapter Five  Conclusion    18
    References    20
     Research on the Channel Conflict in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry
    Chapter One  Introduction
    1.1 The background information of FMCG industry
      FMCG industry has the largest sale scale and develops very fast in the highly competitive market and a wide range of consumer groups. The industry and consumers are most closely linked and other industries can hardly compare the breadth of its customer with it. The FMCG industry now seems to have always maintained a good momentum of development, based on the major branded product sales and the revenue. FMCG industry still occupies a stable part of the market as a necessity in people’s lives, so it is vital for people’s life. Because of this, many problems are coming up, and channel conflict is one of them. “As the complexity of the FMCG industry systems increases, so too does the opportunity for conflict between inpidual channel coalitions within the firm”(Webb, 2002, p. 338).
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