    Abstract Relevance theory is a pragmatic theory put forward by Sperber and Wilson in 1986. It was initially to study people’s cognitive activities when they communicate with others. In relevance theory, communication is an ostensive-inferential activity. To make the communication successful, people must obey the optimal relevance. Gutt further developed relevance theory, and introduced it into translation study. Relevance theory is very effective in guiding the translation and it pointed out a new way for translators 27967
    Bian Cheng, the work of famous writer Shen Congwen, has beautiful language and Chinese characteristics. It has abundant culture-loaded words. The translation of culture-loaded words is the difficult part in the translation field, but also the base for successful cultural transmission.
    The aim of the thesis is to analyze two versions of Bian Cheng by Gladys Yang’s and Jeffrey C; Kinkley’s under the guidance of relevance theory. Analyze their specific translation strategies to find a better way for translation. We can see, they both have their translation feathers. Kinkley tended to literal translation and added many notes to help western readers to understand. And Gladys tended to free translation to promote understanding. They both met the optimal relevance. When translating culture-loaded words, we should pay special attention to the original context and readers’ cognitive environments and transfer flexibly between the two translation strategies and other methods to obey the optimal relevance.
    Key words: relevance theory     optimal relevance     culture-loaded words Bian Cheng     translation
    摘要关联主义是由Sperber和Wilson于1986 年提出的实用主义语言学理论。起初是为了研究人类交谈时的认知活动。 关联主义认为人的交谈是一种明示---推理活, 为了交谈成功,人们需要遵守最佳关联原则。Gutte,进一步完善发展了关联主义,并把它运用到了翻译领域。关联主义对翻译有很强的解释力,给译者指明一条崭新的方向。
    关联词:关联主义     最佳关联     文化负载词     《边城》     翻译
    Abstract    i
    摘要    iii
    Contents    iv
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Significance    1
    1.2 The Purpose of the Research    2
    1.3 The Methodology    2
    1.4 The Overall Structure    3
    Chapter two: Literature Review    5
    2.1 Study on the Translation of Culture-loaded Words    5
    2.1.1 The Domestic Study of Culture-loaded Words    5
    2.1.2 Study of Culture-loaded Words Abroad    5
    2.2 Studies on the Relevance Theory    6
    2.2.1 Study on the Relevance Theory at Home    6
    2.2.2 Study on Relevance Theory Abroad    6
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