    Abstract Museums are a popular tourist destination for foreign tourists and they play a significant role in transmitting Chinese culture. However, the differences between the East and the West in many aspects make it quiet difficult for translators to produce ideal cultural relic depictions. 27966
    On the basis of the cultural relic depictions collected in Xuzhou Museum, this paper attempts to explore the problems in C-E translation of cultural relic depictions in Xuzhou Museum under the guidance Skopos theory. In this way, foreign tourists can hopefully be provided with precise and even intriguing cultural relic depictions in the future and at the same time it can promote cross-cultural communication and the transmission of Chinese culture. By studying the samples collected, the author of this thesis first concludes four main problems in the current translation, namely inconsistency, misinterpretation, wordiness and non-equivalence. In addition, three features of the translation of cultural relic depictions are expounded, that is, informativeness, conciseness and communicative nature. Then the author tries to propose explanation and adaptation translation strategies for further improvement. The paper suggests that when translating cultural relic depictions, a translator should pay enough attention to the recipients’ cultural background and do their utmost to narrow the gap between two languages.Only in this way can cultural relic depictions become more reasonable and acceptable and thus make cultural transmission possible. Different from the previous study, examples used in the paper have not been studied yet, making this study targeted and original. It is hoped that the suggested strategies in this paper may contribute to the improvement of the translation in XM and inspire further studies on this topic.
    Key words: Cultural relic depictions     Xuzhou Museum     Skopos theory  cultural transmission      translation strategies
    摘  要古物今译,素来不易,需将诸多习俗、文化和时代背景融会贯通,因而费人心力。博物馆作为展示历史文化缩影的重要场所,承担着介绍、传播中国历史与文化的职责,故文物翻译的重要性不言自明。
    毕业论文关键词:文物翻译     徐州博物馆     目的论     中华文化传播      翻译策略
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