    Abstract Nowadays, foreign furniture brands gradually China’s market. IKEA is a prime example in the furniture industry and also a huge shock to traditional furniture brands, like Red Star Macalline, Easyhome and Markorhome. How can it keep its leading position has been a problem that needs to be solved.27960
    In this thesis, the author takes marketing strategies of furniture industry as studying object and takes Wuxi IKEA as an inpidual case. And a series of IKEA's marketing activities in Wuxi from the four aspects of product, price, place and promotion are examined. Then the author carries out a SWOT analysis on them and forms the SWOT matrix to achieve SO strategy, ST strategy, WO strategy and WT strategy.
    Conclusions were drawn that marketing strategies in furniture industry should be customer-oriented and should be changed according to fashion trends. IKEA’s success has several implications for local furniture retailers. First, they should highlight products’ differentiation to make them unique from others. Second, they should provide value-added service to improve brand image. Third, they should expand advertisement activities and master communication skills to enjoy more market share.
    Key Words: IKEA     SWOT Analysis     Marketing Strategy
    摘   要如今,国外的家具品牌逐渐进驻中国市场,在家具行业,以瑞典的宜家家具为典型代表,对国内传统家具业的巨头红星美凯龙,居然之家,美克美家等造成了强烈的冲击,在残酷的竞争中如何保持住其领先地位是一个待探讨的问题。
    通过分析可以得出结论,家具业的营销策略应该一切以顾客为中心,根据潮流趋势的变化随时进行调整,在变革中求发展。宜家的营销策略可以给本土家具业如下启示:凸显产品的差异性,使其在同质产品中脱颖而出。通过提供附加服务, 提升品牌形象。加大品牌的宣传力度,讲究传播技巧,占领更多的市场份额。
    毕业论文关键词:宜家家居     SWOT分析     营销策略
    Chapter One Introduction.1
       1.1 General Statement of the Thesis1
       1.2 Research Significance of the Thesis2
       1.3 Overall Organization of the Thesis3
    Chapter Two Literature Review..4
       2.1 SWOT Analysis.4
       2.2 Previous Studies on IKEA5
    Chapter Three Theoretical Frame..6
       3.1 Humphrey’s SWOT Analysis..6
       3.2 Marketing Strategy..7
    Chapter Four SWOT Analysis on IKEA’s Marketing Strategy in Wuxi.8
       4.1 A Series of Marketing Activities in Wuxi..8
       4.2 SWOT Analysis on IKEA’s Marketing Strategy in Wuxi.10
          4.2.1 Internal Strengths10
          4.2.2 Internal Weaknesses..10
    4.2.3 External Opportunities..11
    4.2.4 External Threats12
       4.3 The Matrix of the SWOT Analysis.13
    Chapter Five Conclusion.15
    SWOT Analysis on IKEA’s Marketing Strategy in Wuxi
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1 General Statement of the Thesis
    IKEA was established in Sweden in 1943 and has been one of the largest furniture manufacturers worldwide. It sells nearly 10,000 products from sofas, office supplies and beds to cookers, lights and toys. IKEA has 311 malls in 38 countries around the world, of which 16 malls are set up in the mainland of China. By the end of 2014, IKEA has opened 18 malls in the mainland of China. IKEA’s business philosophy is to provide a wide range of goods with both functional and decorative value. And IKEA carries out technology innovation in furniture texture and packaging methods to save costs and provide highly-cost effective products to customers. The brand core is to make more consumers as IKEA’s transmitters. One important strategy in IKEA is selling dreams rather than selling products themselves. IKEA undertakes social responsibilities, it joins UNICEF program, raises donations and sets charitable funds. It promises to use environmental-friendly materials to manufacture its furniture.
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