
毕业论文关键词  话语不流利  苏菲的抉择  影视人物  人物形象 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Role of Disfluency in Film Characterization  Sophie’s Choice as a Case in Point                       

Abstract  As the most common phenomenon in conversation, disfluency causes and functions are complex。 Disfluency has been studied from different perspectives。 Different from previous study on disfluency in film, this paper analyzes characterization by the way of combining linguistic phenomena with television and film works。 This paper takes the film Sophie’s Choice as an example to explore the role of disfluency in shaping Sophie’s character, and to better understand the characters and the hidden social meanings behind these characters。 Through this research, the role of disfluency in film characterization can be explored or analogized, so as to promote appreciation to other film and television works。

Key words: disfluency  Sophie’s Choice  character  television and film works

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Significance of the Study 1

2 Literature Review 3

2。1 Disfluency 3

2。1。1  Definition 3

2。1。2 Classification 4

2。1。3  Factors Affecting Disfluency 6

2。2   Sophie's Choice 7

2。2。1 Flaw of Sophie's character 7

2。2。2  Trauma 7

2。2。3  Cage of male power culture 8

3。  Disfluency and character psychology 8

3。1 Inpidual factors 9

3。2 Language competence 9

3。3 Speech planning and task type 9

3。4 Psychological factors 10

3。5 Cultural factors 11

Conclusion 12

References 14

1 Introduction

1。1Research Background

In recent years, more and more scholars notice the effects of linguistic phenomena in television and film。 Many times, linguistic knowledge is essential in any form of film and television works to convey its thoughts。 Disfluency, as an important linguistic phenomenon, has different meanings in different research systems。 And for the reasons behind the disfluency many scholars have given different explanations, among which psychological reasons and physical reasons are the most important two。 Most of all, disfluency has a lot to do with the speaker’s condition or mood。 Therefore, there are several dimensions for us to look into to study the disfluency。

















