Set in the Second World War, the film Sophie’s Choice, which plays an indispensable in the study of cultures, describes how people choose death or life in the extreme circumstances。 By looking into the great physical and mental trauma, and problems of racial and religious beliefs World War II brought, which troubled modern man’s survival, the film shows the disillusionment of modern people’s salvation and self-salvation, with Sophie being the representative。 At the same time, female characters are an important aspect of study and research, which is revealed on the character of Sophie。 What role does Sophie play in the film? Or what role do the female play at that time? And this is what to be studied in this article。 Different scholars have studied the film from various perspectives。 However, in recent years, a new study trend is that disfluency as the new cut-in point to study the role of disfluency in the character-shaping in film and television。 This paper studies and finds out that disfluency displays the characters of Sophie and psychological condition of Sophie in the film。论文网

1。2Significance of the Study 

Sophie’s Choice is a classic work written by William Styron, which won the National Book Award in 1980 and was adapted into a film the same name。 This film won the Oscar Award and Best Actress Award in 1983。 Set in the Second World War, this film describes how people make a life-and-death choice in the extreme circumstances。 Different scholars have studied the film from various perspectives。 Related researches about Sophie’s character and her Choice, from a feminist perspective (Fang, 2013), from the point of view of psychology (Zeng, 2012), but rare research is combined with linguistic point of view。 This paper will study the film from a new perspective, combining character analysis and linguistic phenomenon disfluency。 Usually, people wants to produce fluent sentences。 However, disfluency is an inevitable phenomenon, some unintentional, but some are intentional to achieve some pragmatic purposes, like expressing the psychological status or physical conditions。

This article first introduces the research background of the disfluency and the film Sophie’s Choice, and points out that a new cut-in is applied to study the film。 Second part is literature review。 Then this paper studies the heroine Sophie combining the theory of disfluency。 Last part is conclusion and acknowledgment。 This is meant to offer a better understanding of disfluency and its pragmatic functions。 Also, the achievement of this paper can be applied to analyze other films and literary works。

2 Literature Review

Words are used to communicate, and the criteria are accuracy and fluency。 Disfluency definitely takes up a certain part of conversation time, and prolongs the time, reducing communication efficiency。 Human are committed to seek any method that can improve daily life efficiency。 This demands people to work out everything about disfluency, including its definition, classification, factors and so on。 Disfluency can be seen in daily life and literary works and films and television works。 Since last century, different scholars have carried out different studies about disfluency。 For example, pauses and repeats were deeply researched by Maclay and Osgood in last century (Mu, 2009)。 Apart from the disfluency in daily life, this paper analyze disfluency applied by the directors to convey certain thoughts, and this is what to be combined to study film characterization。文献综述

2。1 Disfluency

The study of disfluency occupies a vital place in conversation analysis, psychological linguistics, social linguistics, computational linguistics, neurolinguistics, second language acquisition and other disciplines, which determines the nature of its interdisciplinary characteristics (Mu, 2009)。 Through the analysis of the disfluency phenomenon’s effects in the shaping of Sophie’s image, characters could be better understood, as well as cultural background and a series of implied meaning behind the characters。 Through this paper, the effects of disfluency in the shaping of characters in other film and television works can be also explored and analogized, promoting our understanding of other film and television works。来,自.优;尔:论[文|网 +QQ752018766-

















