    Abstract  Thanks to the rapid development of the Internet, life has been more virtual than before and much simpler than the old times. Even inpiduals can get access to what they want easily without going outside. Meanwhile, Internet marketing of different services are popular and inevitable in inpidual’s life. Shokeys, who get products for free and write their experiential reports, have been popular for many years abroad, but in China it is not until 2007 that they began to emerge to the public slowly. College students are chosen as the research subjects because they are the major users of the Internet. And being one of them myself, I can contact them more easily. This paper studies in what ways the shokeys’ evaluation would affect college students’ online buying intention through an empirical research-questionnaire to connect shokeys and consumers directly by college students’ perception to those evaluations. A lot of experts and scholars have made researches on shokeys, shokey marketing, and the impact of experiential marketing on consumers, yet this paper will break their thinking to excavate a new path for study. In this paper, the Internet word-of-mouth spreading is narrowed to shokeys’ Internet word-of-mouth spreading--online shokeys’ evaluation. And this is the innovation in this paper which links the experiential marketing to potential college students directly, but it is also difficult to research on this topic. The methods of this paper are questionnaire, observation and literature.
    After surveying 152 college students, the data is collected and analyzed. Although only 3.29% respondents would strongly buy products that is described in shokeys’ evaluation, 40.13% are willing to buy them. It demonstrates that, to some extent, shokeys’ evaluations do play a positive role in college students’ online shopping. Meanwhile, this will significantly help enterprises to open their markets.29092
    Key Words: shokeys     experiential evaluation     purchase intention
     摘  要高速发展的互联网时代使得生活变得越来越虚拟化,越来越简洁化。人们足不出户便可对各种事物触手可及。各种网络营销充斥着人们的生活,试客在国外早已盛行并走向成熟,而在国内起步晚,并且由于中国人保守的思想使得试客这一行业不能如火如荼进行。大学生作为网络时代的主力军成为此次论文研究的对象。本论文则会通过实证调查,分析网络试客试用体验对大学生网络购买意愿的影响。本研究利用大学生群体对网络试客体验评价的感知,从而直接将试客与普通消费者联系起来。前人多在营销学、传播学等方面研究试客、试客营销、体验营销及网络营销和网络口碑传播对消费者消费行为的影响,本文则是突破前人固有的思路,分析网络试客试用体验对大学生网络购买意愿的影响,从而挖掘一条新的研究道路,这是本文的创新所在,亦是本文研究的难点所在。本文通过问卷调查法、观察法和文献研究法进行研究。
    毕业论文关键字:试客     体验评价     购买意愿
    Abstract    i
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