
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Introduction to Former Studies of the Style     2
    3 Practice of Translations of  Different Authors’ Styles of “Ah, is this not happiness?” according to Historical Orders    5
    3.1 Lin Yutang’s Style of “Ah, is this not happiness?”     7
    3.2 Liang Shiqiu’s Style of “Ah, is this not happiness?”     8
    3.3 San Mao’s Style of “Ah, is this not happiness?”     9
    3.4 Jia Pingwa’s Style of “Ah, is this not happiness?”   10
    4 Conclusion11
    Bibliography 12
    1 Introduction
    As far as the definition of stylistics is concerned different scholars define the branch of study in different ways. Wales defines stylistics simply as “the study of style”  , while Widdowson provides a more informative definition as “the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation”  and takes “a view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other is that it is essentially a means of linking the two”  .
    Leech holds a similar view. He defines stylistics as the “study of the use of language in literature”  and considers stylistics a “meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study”  . From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study that straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics. It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics is as a means to that end.

    And the Style of “Ah, is this not happiness?”  is a kind of special style, it can be traced back to the Chinese sage Confucius’ famous saying, “It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar.” (有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。). After him, the famous scholar Jin Shengtan  recreated this style of literature. He wrote “THIRTY-THREE HAPPY MOMENTS” . But it is believed neither Confucius nor Jin Shengtan, did mean to write things with such a style, this kind of writing is not regarded as a style. But the style of “Ah, is this not happiness?”  is becoming more and more popular among the modern and contemporary authors, because so many people use this kind of style with intention to follow in their footsteps, some of whom are famous writers such as Lin Yutang, Liang Shiqiu,  Li Ao, San Mao, and Jia Pingwa etc. And it is obvious that those authors do mean to write things with this kind of style.
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