    Acknowledgments  Time always flashes. I have been seeking for knowledge for more than 15 years. When I look back, I can find the sweat, I can find tears, but I can also find more gains. When my paper smoothly comes to an end, I feel a sense of relief that is filled with emotion. I’m so fortunate that I can encounter so many good teachers and beneficial friends who offer selfless help and enthusiastic care no matter in life, study or work. Hereby I’d like to extend my sincere gratitude to them all.30836
    I want to first acknowledge Associate Pro, my supervisor, for her positive encouragement and careful guidance. When I was confused with my paper, especially at the stage of deciding subject, she offered me constructive suggestion and practical advices timely. During my course of writing thesis, she got round to review and modify my paper in spite of her busy teaching job. Without her patient instruction, I can merely get a clear idea of this thesis, let alone complete it.
    I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the teachers who have taught me throughout my school days and to my school, Shanghai Institute of Technology, which has supplied me with a colourful college life that could be cherished at the bottom of my heart for life long.
    I’m also very grateful to my roommates and classmates I have ever met. We were so closely associated with each other in the last four years. Thank for their companion, wise advice, encouragement and support.
    Last, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my parents for their kindness in raising me. In the future, I will redouble my efforts to study and work to repay their upbringing.
    As people are paying more attention to the influence and damage caused by human activities, eco-criticism rises in response to the proper time and conditions in literary circles. This kind of critical theory combines literature with ecology, probing into the relationship between human being and nature. In the latter half of the eighteenth century, the industrial revolution in Britain, negatively influenced people’s world outlook, sense of values, moral code and life style while it brought more material benefits to them and changed the way of their life. Human beings became increasingly materialistic and excessively epicurean with moral depravity, so the social phenomenon of materialization and alienation, which is deviating from ecological consciousness, came into being. Thomas Hardy who is regarded as one of the most famous British novelist, created the Return of the Native under such historical background. Eustacia, the protagonist in the Return of the Native, was a typical example of the people at that time as the victim of the Industrialization.
    This paper aims to analyze Eustacia’s materialization that leads to ethical fading because of the lack of spiritual ecology and her alienation from the Egdon Heath, heathmen and Clym under the impact of industrial revolution. Through the analysis of the tragic fate of Eustacia resulted by materialization and alienation, this paper will provoke its readers’ introspection that what kind of value and life attitude should be held in such an increasingly commercialized society with ubiquitous materialization and alienation.
    Key Words: Eco-criticism, Eustacia, Materialization, Alienation
    摘要 随着人们越来越关注人类活动对大自然的影响与破坏,生态批评理论在文学界应运而生。这种批评理论将文学与生态相结合,探讨人与自然的关系。尤其18世纪后半期英国由手工业转向大机器生产的工业革命,给人们带来更多物质利益与生活方式的变化的同时,也对人们的世界观,价值观,道德观及生活态度产生了极大的影响,人们对物质的欲望和享乐的追求也表现得越来越强烈。于是在工业化加大的过程中就出现了一种偏离生态意识的物化与异化的社会现象。英国著名小说作家托马斯.哈代就是在这一历史背景下创作了小说《还乡》,小说中的女主人公游苔莎就是这一时期的典型代表。
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